From zero to seventy………


1.Initials: CDT

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:  Well, in HS I had a lockermate that had the same birthdate as me and we were even born in the same hospital around the same time.  lol  But I also have a friend that has the same birthdate as me.

3.Last thing you ate:

glazer donut from Kwik Trip

4.For or against same sex marriage:

Whatever, if they are happy who should care.

5.Are you homophobic:


6.Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?:

Nope, All the good ones are gone these days!  And the new cartoons are just bizarre.

7.Do you believe in God:

I do.

8. How many U.S states have you been to:

Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, North and South Dakota, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania.  I think that’s it.  So that’s what, 18 that I can remember at least.

Though I’ve passed through a few others on the way to places like Colorado, but didn’t stay for any length of time.

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in:

Two, Wisconsin and Georgia.

10.Ever lived outside of the US:


11.Name something you like physically about yourself:

My eyes and hair.

12.Something non-physical you like about yourself:

I like to help friends and people out whenever I can, espeically those I know appreciate it and won’t take it for granted.

13.What is your dads name:

Um, let’s see:  sperm donor, loser?  How does those sound?!?!?  lol  He ditched Mom and I before I was even born.  But honestly, his name is Carter.

14.What is your dream car:

This will sound funny, but I kind of would like one of those fully loaded, kind of tricked out new mini vans they have these days.  lol   I like the space and the easy of getting the kids and such all in there.  But I don’t see why they need to be boring and dull when they can be fun!  lol

15.If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?:

I’d like to go back to Australia.  And I would like to go to Hawaii, Italy, and Germany someday.

16.Favourite type of Food?:

I like just about any kind of food, which is the problem!  But I really like lobster, but don’t get a chance to eat it very often.  So I enjoy it all the more when I get the chance!

17.Favorite holiday:

Christmas and then Halloween.  I never used to care one way or another about Halloween, but since my son is so into it he kinda rubs off on me a little bit!  lol

18.Do you download music:

I have, but not recently.

19.What illegal things have you done:

drove to fast and I’m sure there are other little  things.  But certainly not huge.

20.Where would you want to go on a first date:

Well, my first date was with a large group of my friends, we went out to eat and then to a dance at school.  Afterwards we went to someone’s house and just hung out.  So I think if I had it to do all over again, I would want it to be just the two of us and I wouldn’t care where we went.  But it might be easier to get to know each other and spend time alone together if there aren’t a dozen prying eyes watching your every move!  lol

21.Would you date the person who posted this before you?

Nope, because she’s a girl first off and married.  lol

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally:

Not that I can recall.

23.Have you ever cried for no reason:

Oh, sure.  Sometimes hormones or emotions just get the best of a person and it can’t be helped.  lol

24.Do you like Bush:

No I do not.  And I am glad that his reign of terror in this country is just about over with.

25.Have you ever bungee jumped:

No, I prefer to stay alive thankyouverymuch!  lol

26.Have you ever white-water rafted:

Nope, never will either.  Not a huge water fan, can’t swim so this would not be a good idea I don’t believe.

27.Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?:

Unfortunately, yes. 

28.Last person you hugged:

My son

29.Have you met a real redneck:

Are you kidding me, I lived in the South!  So I’ve met more than ONE!  lol  I’ve even met a few Hill Billy’s too.

30.How is the weather right now:

Cool but sunny.

31. Song your listening to right now?:

No songs. It’s quiet here.

32.What are your current fav songs?:

I haven’t listened to music in a while so I don’t know for sure right now.

33.What was the last movie you watched?:

I don’t know.  I think the last thing we honestly did watch was School of Rock.

34.Do you wear contacts:

Nope, don’t like sticking things in my eyes.  And besides, I am one of those people that looks better wearing glasses anyway.

35.Where was the last place you went besides your house?

To the bank to cash my first check from my "friend" before it had a chance to bounce.  lol  Then to Farm and Fleet.

36.What are you afraid of?

The future and what the economy has in store for us and what that may mean for our family.


It’s so good!  lol

38.How many pets do u have:

One, and that’s to many sometimes.  lol

39. Have you ever loved someone:

Of course. I love a lot of people.

40.What really turns you on:

A man that helps out around the house doing the dishes, cooking, doing laundry, cleaning.   Ohhhh.  lol  I’m kidding…..sorta.  I would know for sure if I ever saw it happen! 

41.What do you usually order from Starbucks:

I have never had anything from Starbucks.  I’m not a coffee drinker, so I can’t justify spending $4 or more dollars on a coffee type drink. 

42.Have you ever fired a gun:

Yep, grew up as a tomboy in the country around all male cousins that were hunters so it was ineveitable.  

43.Are you missing someone:

Yes, but then again, doesn’t everyone at some point?

44.Say something totally random about yourself:

I love mocha cappachino hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and a sprinkle of cinnamon.  Yum!

45.Do you have an ipod?:

Yep, I have an iPod Touch.

46.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?:

Not that I recall.

47.Whats your mom’s name:


48.Who would you like to see right now:

A friend I haven’t seen in a long time.  And I wouldn’t mind seeing people that I will never have the chance to see again.  🙁

49.Favorite band of all time (only ONE):

I don’t know.  Jimmy Buffett I guess.

50.Dogs or cats:

I’m more of a dog person, always have been.

51.Have you ever been caught doin

g something you weren’t supposed to be doing?

Of course. Who hasn’t?

52.Favorite flower:

I like roses and stargazer lilies. 

53.Butter, plain, or salted popcorn:

Buttered with a little popcorn and salt.  lol

54.What books are you reading:

Things I Want My Daughters to Know

55.Have you ever ridden in a limo:

Nope, never.

56.Has anyone you were really close to passed away?

Way, way to many.  🙁  Our family had a run of bad luck with that and we lost 6 people in 7 years.  The worst being two on the same day. 

57.Do you watch MTV?:


58.What’s something that really bugs you:

Oh there are so many things!  People who lie to me, manipulative people, two faced people, people who cheat me out of stuff that is mine, service people that are to stupid to function, people who ignore you when your trying to talk to them, stores that misrepresent stuff to lure you in and then stick it to you.  Oh I could go on and on.  DH always complains that I am to vocal about the things that bother me. If I don’t like something I will let you know and I don’t care if you like it or not.  How are things supposed to change if no one ever says anything????

59.What are some things you really like doing:

Spending time wiht my family and friends,  being a SAHM with my kids, reading, traveling.

60. ?????????  What the heck happened here????????

61.Can you dance:

Why yes I can.  I’m not great at the newer style of dancing but I can dance alot of other stuff.

62.Favorite basketball team:

I’m not a basketball fan at all and don’t watch it.

63.Favorite cereal:

Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Raisin Bran.  It all depends on what I am in the mood for.

64.Do you drive:

Yep. But only when I have to.

65.What’s the latest you have ever stayed out:

where someone knew where I was and knew I was going to be out late:  8 a.m. or so.  Where someone knew where I had been but expected me to be home many, many hours before:  6 a.m.   I got in BIG trouble for that one!

66.Last time you went bowling:

I think it was 5 years ago now.  I went with a group of friends from college on one of our monthly outings.

67.Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?:

Thankfully, no.

68.Who was your last phone call?:

Last phone call that I actually answered was DH.  The last phone call I didn’t answer becuase I knew who it would be was T, the bane of my existence.  She is relentless and called me twice last night and IM’d me yesterday.  All I have to say is thank goodness for caller ID!

69.Last time you were at work:

October 2003

70.Whats your favorite state to be in:

I like the state I’m in because my family is all here and my friends.  I liked living in Georgia but I was to far away from my friends and family and way to close to DH’s!  lol

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October 21, 2008

🙂 Lots of my favs are doing this one I may do it 🙂

October 21, 2008

I really like this one! Reign of terror, thats hilarious! But oh so true.

October 21, 2008

i liked this one too, may have to borrow it.