Random little things




Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?:

Over the top of the shower curtain rod


Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?:



In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity?

I don’t really pay attention to that sort of thing


What color is your underwear?:

black with white snowflakes


What color is the blanket on your bed?:

one is navy blue and the top blanket is cream with burgundy/mauve/sage/hunter green flowers and such


Do you bruise easily?:

not to bad


Do you like ice in your drink?:



What color are you pj’s?:

the ones I’m currently wearing are blue, but I have bunches of different colored ones.


Whats your favorite shape?:



Cat or dog?:

I prefer a dog


If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?:

not a mermaid because I don’t like swimming.  so I guess that just leaves a unicorn


If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?:

Short, stylish and easy to take care of.


Fav color?:



Describe your handwriting::

if I take my time it’s quite nice, but if I don’t it’s sloppy.


What do you have planned for the weekend?:

nothing much other than maybe cleaning out the basement.  You know, the FUN stuff.  Blech.


Whats your current mood on myspace?:

I haven’t logged onto myspace in ages.  So it’s probably whatever it was at last which was likely ‘tired’



well,because I was probably tired at the time!  lol


What do you want to do at this very moment?:

cancel my dentist appt for this afternoon.  lol 


Favorite candy?:

Hershy’s with almonds, Hershy’s kisses, sometimes Reese’s, Caramello, I kinda like chocolate overall.  lol


Favorite song?:

I don’t think I have a favorite song.  I listen to pretty much anything at any time.







Have you ever eaten a crayon?:

Not yet, but that’s what I was planning on having for lunch!  lol  (what a strange question!)


Are you wearin socks right now?:

Nope, I rarely ever do unless I am actually leaving the house and have to wear shoes.


Are you wearing perfume right now?:

haven’t put it on yet today.


Where is your best friend?:

I’m guessing she’s at home taking care of her two little guys (and hopefully NOT cutting her hair!)


What does your last text message say?:

Nothing, I don’t text


Who was the last person to call you?



Do you miss anyone right now?:

sure do 🙁



Because, just because


Log in to write a note
October 15, 2008
