Friends shouldn’t act like this

A while back I wrote about my ‘friend’ who basically borrowed money from me almost a year ago now and hasn’t paid me back yet.  Well the fun never stops with her.  Grrrr

Today she informs me that after work she is going to go and meet someone new…..a CAT!  She’s not even 100% sure she can have a pet where she lives but she’s going to do it anyway.  Just like she’s done everything else that she’s not supposed to do. 

she was all excited about it and babbling about it.  And I just got super fed up with it all.  So I asked her how exactly she was going to afford a pet.  She said ‘oh it’s no big deal’.  No big deal?!??!?  WTH!  She continues on saying "I have to pay a deposit to have a pet but it’s not that bad, only a $100".  ONLY a $100.  Yeah, as if that was like pocket change. 

So I got ticked and I said, "so how are you going to afford that, you can’t pay your other bills?"  to which she retorts "oh, I’ll just pay them a little extra every month until I pay off the $100".  As if it’s that simple.  And continues to tell me, "it won’t be a big deal anyway.  Outside of my electric bill all of my bills are current."  That’s when I about blew a gasket!

Being the ‘nice’ person that I am I told her that she still owed me money.  I honestly didn’t expect to get a response back from her after that. But she did.  She said "yeah.  I’m working on that"    Yeah, working on that my ass!  She’s been "working on" that for almost a year now.  November 1st it will have been a year since she borrowed the money.  In that amount of time she has only made one payment to me back in June of this year for $10!  Yeah, it’s ‘no big deal’.  Whatever……

See, she still wants to sell some of the items she bought (and that I paid for).  Which wouldn’t be so bad if I could honestly trust that she would pay me if she did that.  Instead I fear that she would sell stuff and I would be 1) out of the stuff that, in all honesty, I still own since she’s not paid for it and that 2) I would STILL be out the money she owes me because she ALWAYS has a long list of things she absolutely can’t live without and the instant she gets a nickel in her hand she goes and blows it on crap.  So I would be afraid that she would blow the money before it ever had a chance of getting close to me.  The other fear I have is that she will just go behind my back and sell the stuff and never tell me about it, again the money never making it to me. 

I had already come to the conclusion that if I heard she had actually sold something then I would send my Mom up there right away to pick up the money.  I know T wouldn’t like that one bit, but what other choice do I have????  If she has money in her hands for 24 hours she spends it.  It would be one thing if she honest to God used it for things she needed but she doesn’t.  She buys things that are just luxury things, things not vital to surviving.  And then when she needs things like groceries and the like she’s always complaining because she has no food.  And the idiot people she knows always feel sorry for her and she manipulates them into somehow inviting her for a meal or whatever.  It’s just sad.

I am just so frustrated with this situation.  She thinks we are ‘rich’, and she has said as much.  We aren’t, by the way, just in case any of you were wondering.  But we do ok for ourselves.  But that’s only because DH and I know how to handle money.  She doesn’t.  She’s always jealous of what I have had.  Always thinks I’m better than her, blah, blah, blah.  whatever. 

I half expected when she got off of work tonight she would have called.  But I forgot, she was on a mission to go and blow more money on getting a pet she can’t afford.  Ridiculous.  So that just probably means she is going to call tonight.  Which I will not be answering.  I hate it when she calls because she always calls either 1) while we are sitting down to eat dinner together or 2) while we are spending family time with the kids.  I’ve told her not to call but she still does and then wonders why I don’t want to talk.  And the worst part is that often she waits until at least 9 or later to call and I just don’t answer calls then if I can help it.  I have caller ID so I can be choosy.  lol

My nerves are all on edge again after that little conversation with her this afternoon.  I’m just in a super cranky mood towards her right now.  And I know better than to talk to anyone when I’m upset with them.  I am just so over this situation.  I just want my freakin’ money back.  DH didn’t want to lend it ot her in the first place so it’s been a long year of him reminding me of what a deadbeat she is.  He’s not bad about it, but he is getting really ticked off now with it taking so long and all of the lies she’s laid out in front of me about when and how she’s going to pay.  Pretty soon I wouldn’t doubt that he’ll take a call of hers and have a little "talk" with her about it.  The way things are going in this world, we could use the money just as much as she can.  Even more since it’s OUR money she’s sponging off of!  Like I told DH, if it didn’t cost so much I would seriously consider taking her to small claims court to get it back.  Not how I would normally think of dealing with a FRIEND, and my  REAL friends know that.  I’m not like that. But I feel like I almost have no choice with this person.  I’m tired of being walked on by her.  I try to be good, try to give her the benefit of the doubt that she will actually follow through on her promises but I just can’t anymore.  I have to figure out a new way to go about this or I fear this will never end.  🙁

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October 13, 2008

She is awful glad you reminded her

October 13, 2008

She’s something else. Kinda funny how she can come up with a hundred dollars to get a cat but she can’t repay you. You’d be so much better off without her stress in your life. *hugs*

October 13, 2008

maybe it would almost be worth it to take her to court, cuz as long as you win, I think you get your court costs too. {{{HUGE HUGS}}}

October 14, 2008

yeah, it really doesn’t sound like you can give her the benefit of the doubt anymore. I hope there is a satisfying outcome for you soon!!

court doesn’t really cost that the case you get all your money back…plus the stress you can get for that also…sometimes with the judge……..So sorry I’ve been there myself with a few different ones.hugs

from wisconsin