Life frustrations

I am so sick and tired of this economy.  Even more sick of those who are responsible for making it get worse every day because they can’t seem to get their heads on straight. 

I am ready for a change.  I think this country needs a change.  Only 22 more days until we find out if we are in the same boat for another 4 years or if we actually may have a chance at change over the next few years.

As a matter of principle I don’t typically talk about politics.  It’s just one of those things that no one seems to be able to agree on.  As many of my friends know, we just agree to disagree and leave it at that. 

But the state of this economy is getting out of hand.  And who knows if there is an end in sight any time soon.  I wish it were simple and everyone just knew that it was going to all be over again soon and life can get back to normal.

My DH has been driving me insane over the state of the economy.  I tend to be a little more laid back and, as he said, more level headed about it than he is.  He is just so wound up over it and it’s really starting to wear on my nerves.  I understand being concerned about things, I understand there is uncertainty and that you need to try and find a plan that works for you so that you can weather the storm and not get capsized.  But come on, I can only take so much!

Every minute of every day I swear this man is obsessed with finances.  He’s constantly online checking on the state of the stock market and that sort of thing.  He spent HOURS, literally hours and hours yesterday online doing just that.  And every so often he would break in with "oh boy" and then go on to explain to length what he was seeing and what not.  I listen, but I don’t get as would up over it as he does.  I just don’t think that constantly looking, watching, checking on the stock market is going to make him any less tightly wound about all this.  I tell him to just step away from the computer and forget it for a while.  But then I get the lecture on how he has to do this because we’re "hurting for money".  Which is soooooo not true.  We are doing just fine.  But he always worries like that.

What brought this all on, for the most part, was last weeks DOW and stock market decline.  Like many, it has affected our 401(K).  So of course that is fuel for his worry.  I guess last night he started switching stuff around to try and minimize the loss any further. 

I don’t know, I just can’t take much more of this obsession with that stuff.  He’s in a foul mood more often now because of all the crap that is out of his control.  The stuff you hear on the news and in the papers don’t help that at all.  Every day it’s only more bad news about how far the markets have dropped.  Then there is the ever present increase in everything else you need to survive, like food. 

I admit I am not a fan of McCain.  To me he is just way to much like Bush.  I was never, and never will be, a fan of Bush.  Believe me, that has made for lots of heated conversations with my MIL who is his biggest cheerleader.  Well, that was until he handed out that Stimulus payment this summer and she didn’t get one.  Now she’s been steaming mad becuase she was "gyped" out of money and blah, blah, blah.  Yeah, well, then don’t make more money than God and you won’t have to feel left out!  NUT.

At this point I am leaning towards Obama.  I have my reasons just as those who don’t like him have theirs.  I just can’t justify putting someone back into office that resembles so closely to Bush.  I would feel as if I wasted my vote if I did that.  But that is all I am going to say on that.

I have no idea why I wrote this entry.  I guess I am just frustrated with how things are going.  things that I can’t control, but that seem to be able to control me and our lives so deeply. 


In 3 weeks my Mom retires.  Not the best time, economy wise.  I’ve tried to talk her out of it.  But to no avail.  she’s ready to be done working.  I guess after 40+ odd years at the same company I would be too.  But I worry about her.  I worry how she’ll make it through.  With the cost of heating going up again this year I think she’s going to suffer.  She’s retiring early.  She isn’t even 62 yet.  So she’s income free for almost 3 months until SS kicks in.  It just makes me very uneasy to see her heading head on into the unknown.  She’s worked hard for alot of years,  been standing on her feet doing hard labor for all those years.  So I think she deserves to retire and finally be able to do whatever she wants to do.  But I still worry about her.  I think that’s my job, being an only child and all I really can’t help it. 


I’m all over the place so I think I’ll call it a day.  Just wanted to clear my mind of some of the things that have been bugging me over the weekend.  Here’s hoping things get better in teh future.  It seems that every time I write lately I don’t have anything of any substance to talk about.  That I most certainly don’t have any positive things going on lately.  I just want something positive and upbeat to talk about and look forward to.  My life is not a downer, but it sure sounds it the more I write.  So that’s why i’ve not written much of anything for quite some time.  But I miss it.

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I’m driving my man crazy but not with the economy…he comes home and i have Rush on the radio and MSNBC on tv and one of these days i think he’ll come home to my head all exploded.

-Texas (sorry, I forgot i wasnt signed in)

October 13, 2008


October 13, 2008

I don’t typically talk politics either, but this year its a big thing. I just hope that who ever does get into the office gets this mess figured out soon. Its getting really scary. I hope that things go well for your mom.