Random bits

Are you single?
Nope, haven’t been for 16 years.

Have you ever been in love?

What did your last ex look like?
Sandy brown hair, brown eyes, longish hair.  it was a long time ago!

Who is your favorite band/artist?
I like Jimmy Buffet, but I like most music

How is your day going?
Well, so far so good!  After all it is Friday!  😉  But the day is young.  lol

What were you doing at 3:00pm?
Getting the kids down for their naps.

Have any siblings?
Nope, it’s just me.

What movie did you last see?
School of Rock

What kind of phone service do you use?
CenturyTel for the house, and Alltel and Virgin Mobile for our cells

Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
I have LOTS of favorites!  lol  But my most favorite will always be my tennis shoes, I like to be comfy.

What is your favorite breakfast meal?
While I don’t eat it AT breakfast, my favorite breakfast meal is eggs benedict.

Would you rather be at the beach or be in the snow?
I hate the water so the beach would be kind of wasted on me.  lol  And if I don’t have to shovel it, the snow isn’t to bad.

Do you like anyone?

Are they older or younger?
Same age

Have any nicknames?
my nickname throughout childhood and beyond was Mouse.

Would you rather eat or sleep?
If I could figure out a way to eat while I slept it would be perfect!  lol

Do you like long car rides?
Not really.  If there is an option to get there faster I would prefer that.

Wanna go for a walk?
I think about it every day, but then find a way to talk myself out of it.  lol

Favorite colors?
Burgundy, sage, some blues.

Rain or sunshine?
Depends on what I want to do.  If I have to be out and about, then sun.  But if I want a lazy day, snuggled on the couch watching movies, then rain it is!

What is your favorite drink?

Black Cherry Propel water, milk, soda

Plans for the weekend?
possibly cleaning out stuff for the charity truck that is coming in a couple weeks.  otherwise nothing much.

Ever been out of the state?
Yep, even lived out of the state for a while.

Out of the country?
Yes, to Australia and Canada

Ever met anyone famous?
Yes, Alton Brown from Food Network.

Who is the best band to see in concert?
I’ve not been to a concert so I really don’t know.

How much money do you have on you?

Next concert you will attend?
None that I know of.

What is your favorite dessert?
Cheesecake, Sour Cream Raisin pie, but honestly I discriminate against no dessert!  Yum!

Anything exciting happening soon?

Text or call?
I don’t text on the phone.  But I would choose IM chat or email over phone.

Are you a morning person?
Not really, more of a night person.

Sunrise or Sunset?
Never been a fan of sunrise.  Sunset isn’t so bad though.

What do you like to watch on tv?
ER, House, Desperate Housewives, Til Death, I’ll give anything a chance.  Just not a fan at all of reality TV.

When is your birthday?
March 7, 1976

How old will you be?
The big 33.

Ever been drunk?
Honestly, never.

What is the most recent thing you have smoked?
I’ve not smoked anything in my lifetime.

How many times have you been on a plane?
At least 15 times that I can recall but I think I’m missing some.

Favorite vacation spot?
I’m not picky. I love to travel and see new things.

What kind of pancakes do you like?

What elementry school did you attend?
a little country one not far from my house growing up.

How tall are you?
5′ 7

Are you close to your parents?
I’m pretty close to my Mom.  My Dad has never been in our lives though, so not at all with him.

Do you like to hold hands in public?
Sure! Why not?

Would you have sex in aisle five at Wal-Mart if you could?

Do you have a job?
Yep …I’m a Mom! 

Do you like cotton candy?
Yes.  It’s something I enjoy getting like once a year when we go to a fair or something.

Do you own a hula-hoop?
Yes we have a hula hoop.  And I also hoola hoop on our Wii Fit.

What kind of car do you drive?
Dodge Grand Caravan

Can you do the "Soldier Boy"?
I’ve watched it quite a few times, but I don’t think I could do it very well.

Do you own a pair of "boots with the fur?
I don’t know if mine have ‘fur’ but I know they have a nice fleecy stuff inside to keep my tootsie’s warm!  It is Wisconsin after all!!  lol

What color is your umbrella?
I think it’s navy with polka dots all over it.

How many times a day do your brush your teeth?

Do you comb or brush your hair?


What brand of toilet paper do you use?
Charmin, the red package

How far have you traveled from your home?
multiple thousands of miles

Do you own a waffle iron?
Yep, it can make Mickey Mouse waffles!  lol

Have you ever bought anything from Ebay?
Yeah, quite often.  Usually  stuff for the kids.

Have you ever been in a wedding?
Three, not including mine.  My cousin’s when I was 5, my BF’s back in ’95 and another friend’s in ’01.

Do you know your mailman’s name?
Nope.  But we call them Red headed guy and Speed racer.  lol  Speedracer becuase you can hear her coming for blocks and blocks away because she punches it and then hits the brakes over and over again.  lol 

Have you ever had a bad haircut?
Yes, my husband actually did that to me once.  He thought he was going to help me by cutting my bangs for me, but it didn’t go so well.  Everyone kept asking me what weed whacker I got in the way of!  lol

Do you like to bet on horse or dog races?
I’m to practical with my money so I wouldn’t likely do either one.

Would you go to the moon if you could?
No, I think I’ll leave that up to the ones trained to do that sort of thing.

What is the highlight of your day, so far?
Seeing my kids bright smiling faces right away this morning.

What type of alcoholic drink do you order at the bar?
Pomegranate margaritas

Do you think senior citizens have sex?

Not something I put my time and effort into thinking about, but if they do/can, more power to them.  lol


b>Have you ever shot anything and killed it?
Nope.  I tried shooting birds when I was a kid but I hit the sides of the buildings more than anything else.

Would you eat a live spider if somebody was going to pay you 5000 dollars to do it?
I don’t like spiders so there is not enough money to make me eat one live.  Blech!

Have you ever had a pedicure?
Nope.  I don’t think I would like someone poking around on my feet.  I’ve done it for myself but that’s as far as it goes.

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October 10, 2008

Great survey…I might have to steal it! 🙂

October 10, 2008

you met Alton, so jealous! Greg makes a killer eggs benedict