Let’s play 20 questions

How well DO you know your significant other?? Be honest! 20 Q’s about:




1. They are watching TV. What are they watching?

Sci Fi Channel, Doctor Who, American Chopper, House or whatever is on TV


2. You’re out to eat. What kind of dressing do they get on their salad?

French & ranch. [He mixes them together.]


3. What’s one food this person doesn’t like?

Green olives.



4. You go out to the bar. He/she orders:

If he goes with guys from work then a beer.  Otherwise probably a Strawberry Daiquiri or just a soda.


5. Where did he/she go to high school?

He went to a bunch.  We met in HS, but then he moved around before finally ending up in a neighboring city at CF High School.


6. What size shoe do they wear?

10 1/2 or 11, it depends on the shoe.


7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be:

Computers.  lol   He doesn’t get into collecting but he sure does like to accumulate computers and computers related pieces!  lol


8. What is their favorite type of sandwich?

It depends.  He likes a good burger, chicken wraps, and sandwiches with pastrami or hard salami on them (Italian type ones I guess).  It all depends on his mood.


9. This person could eat __________ everyday.

Dark chocolate


10. Favorite cereal?

Cinnamon Life


11. This person wouldn’t be caught dead wearing:

He’s not real concerned with fashion for the most part.  For the most part he’ll wear most anything.  But I guess if I had to choose I’d have to say probably bikini underwear. lol


12. Favorite sports team?

He’s not a huge sports fan at all.  He would prefer to watch college basketball, namely Georgia Tech (his alma mater) because he says it’s more enjoyable to watch college ball than pro ball becuase he knows there isn’t a butt ton of cash on the line making them play.  But as far as pro sports then I would have to say the  Atlanta Braves.


13. Who will he/she vote for?

He’s still undecided at this point.  But if it were just two parties then he is most definitely leaning towards Obama.  But since we aren’t forced to just support the two major parties in this day and age then he is more of a Libertarian.


14. What is their sign?



15. What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn’t?

Bite my fingernails.


16. How many states has this person lived in?

Three.  Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia.  And now we are back in WI.  lol


17. What is his/her heritage?



18. You bake them a cake for their birthday. What is his/her favorite flavor?

Devil’s Food with chocolate frosting (his new favorite) or marble with chocolate frosting.  He likes the dark chocolate type stuff the best though.  Doesn’t care for things to be too sweet.


19. Did he/she play sports in high school?

He ran track and field in HS, specifically hurdles.


20. This person could spend hours…

On the computer.  He’s a software engineer and an all around geek.  lol  He never gets tired of the computer. 


After being together for almost 17 years I should know him pretty darn good!  lol 

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September 8, 2008


September 8, 2008

I like this one! Some of them made me really think. LOL

September 10, 2008

a geek that drinks strawberry daquiris. VERY interesting. lolol.

September 14, 2008
