The History

The History of Your Name


What is your name? My full name is Cathy Della T****

What does your name mean? Pure Delight

Where you named after someone? Yes

Who was it? My maternal Grandmother.  My middle name was her first name.

Do you like your name? I really don’t mind my name.  It’s part of who I am.

Why? It’s a simple name.  And as much as it used to bother me when my Mom would tell me she chose my first name because it was ‘simple’ and she thought I would be a ‘simple’ kind of kid.  Now I understand that "simple" can be more than what you thought it was.

What else would your parents have called you? Had I been a boy I was going to be named Kevin.

What would you liked to have been called? I never really had a preference.

Does your full name carry any family traditions? Well, kind of.  I’m the only girl so that makes it a little different.  But with all of the boys they tended to carry their father’s or grandfather’s first name as their middle name.  That tradition still continues.  So when I was a girl and was given my grandma’s name I guess you could say that my Mom stayed with that tradtiion.  She had no middle name for me so my Great-Great Aunt suggested my Grandma’s name, my Mom thought it sounded good together so thus it became my name.


The History of Your Birth


How old are you? 32

When were you born? March 7, 1976

Where were you born? Eau Claire, WI

Were you born early or late? 9:36 a.m. on a Sunday and I believe I was a little bit early.

If so, when was it you were supposed to be born? I wasn’t due I think for another week or two.  But good thing my Mom had me when she did because I was already over 9 lbs when I was born!


The History of Your Home


How long did you live in your birth town? For 24 years.  I moved away two months before I got married.

If you moved, where did you go next? I moved to Atlanta, GA.  Well, actually a suburb outside of it but close enough.  lol

How long did you stay there? I was there for just under a year before DH got a job back in WI and we were on our way back home.  He lived there for 4+ years while he went to college and started working.

Did you move anymore after that? Yep.  We lived in our rental house in WI for about a 1 1/2 before we found our house we live in now and bought it. 

If so, where and how long? We moved to our house in 2002 and we’ve been here ever since.

Are you happy in the town you live in? I’m happy with it.  It’s small town enough, but close enough to larger towns so you don’t feel isolated and can get things you need.

Will you leave as soon as you are able? I don’t think so.  We like it in this town so we would like to stay here.  However we would like to get a different house in this area someday.

Why did you move there? We moved back to this area because it was where my DH got a job.  And the bonus is that it’s only about an 1 1/2 hours away from our hometown where my Mom lives so we were close to family too.


The History of Your Family


Are you an only child? Yes I am.

If not, how many siblings do you have?

How old are they/he/she?

Do they look like you?

Do you get along with them/him/her?

Do you live with both your parents? Nope.  Never lived with both of my parents.  I was raised by my Mom and Grandma and M helped raise me as well.

If not, who do you live with? I live with my Dh and two sons now.

How many aunts do you have on your mom’s side? I had one biological Aunt but she was killed in 2003.  And I have one living Aunt through marriage, one Aunt who passed away, and one ex-Aunt because my Uncle passed away.

How many uncles? Three biological, two have passed away.  And one through marriage, but he was also killed in 2003.

How many cousins? 6 first cousins.  11 second cousins.  And 5 second step-cousins. I think that about does it!

Grandparents? None.  My Grandpa died when I was 6 weeks old and my Grandma died in Sept. 2000, 4 months after I was married.

How many aunts do you have on your dad’s side? I have no idea.

How many uncles? Again no idea.

How many cousins? who knows

Grandparents? I don’t know.

Where does your mom’s side live? They all live in our hometown, those that are still alive anyway.

Your dad’s? I have no clue.


The History of Your Friendships


Do you remember who was your first best friend? Beth.  We met when we were 5 years old.

Where did you meet? On the first day of kindergarten and we stuck together from then on.

Are you still friends? Sort of.  We have lost touch a little bit.  We still send Christmas cards to each other and the occasional email but we haven’t seen each other since her wedding back in 2001.

Do you have a best friend or are you a third wheel? I have a few best friends

Do you hang out with a large group or just two or three people? One or two people

How long have you known each other? Annissa and I go back to Jr High I think, so maybe something like 18 years. (yikes!)  and I think Tiffany I met about 20 years ago.  And then there’s Beth who I’ve known for 28 years.

Why are you friends? We get along really well with each other. 

Do you have someone who was a friend but who isn’t anymore? There are a few of those, it just happens in life I think.

What happened? Some drifted away, others moved away and we lost all contact, some were just friends because we had friends in common while in school or whatever.


The Recent History


Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? DH

Who was the last person you IMed? Tiffany

Who was the last person you messaged? online it was Tiffany

What was the last song you listened to? I don’t know for sure.  I don’t listen to music unless I’m in the car or whatever.

Who was the last person you e-mailed? my Mom

What was the last T.V. show you watched? Frasier

Who was the last call you missed? DH

Who were the last people you had spend the night? My Mom and her ‘friend’

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August 6, 2008

Surveys galore! I might just have to snag this one from ya. 🙂