18 months

It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that my ‘baby’ is now 18 months old.  Where has the time gone???  Seriously, he shouldn’t be this old already, it doesn’t seem possible.  But it’s been such a busy year plus for us that I guess the time just escaped us.  🙁


But anway, he had his 18 month check up yesterday.  He’s doing great.  No complaints.


Height:  31 1/2 inches

Weight:  24 lbs. 10 oz yesterday  (a week ago he was 25 lbs. 11 oz)

Head:  19.4 inches


He’s healthy, happy and growing.  And walking!  All sorts of new things happening in his life in the past couple of weeks. 

And to top it off, last night we were trying to take a look at where his sutures were in his mouth.  Didn’t see any of those.  Couldn’t get past the fact that he had two new teeth in there!  A one year molar and another front tooth on the bottom.  Those little suckers just snuck right in there while we weren’t looking I guess.  lol  Guess I should consider myself lucky because he was nevery crabby or anything like that.  And they both must have popped in this past week while he was recovering from surgery.  Nice, huh?  lol

Now tomorrow he goes in to see the surgeon that did his surgery last week for a routine follow up.  I’m sure they won’t find anything wrong or of any concern.  And I’m sure that his stitches have all long ago dissolved from what I can see.  But I am NOT about to stick my fingers in the death trap!!!!  lol  I fear I may come out with less fingers than what I went in there with!  lol



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July 30, 2008

Oh goodness, I know what you mean!! Noah does NOT like people messing around in his mouth. Must be the week of teething babies. Nathan’s getting some, Noah got one the other day and now J too. Your lucky you got to miss the crabbiness. 🙂 And yes, our babies are growing up way too fast. ::Sigh:: Coming up for the shower???

August 1, 2008

awwwwwwwwwwww new teefers!!! Meanwhile… Nathan got weighted in at 13lbs 4oz today!! ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!! These boys need to stop getting to be such big boys… it’s not fair…