survey time

Are you anything like you were at this point last year?

No, a lot of things have changed since last year.  Last year at this time I was busy getting ready to clean out M’s house and getting ready to get rid of everything.


Three days from now will you have sex?

who knows.


What does the 8th text in your inbox say?

nothing because I don’t text


What are you wearing right now?

a maroon tshirt, jean shorts


What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?

the fact that it is Friday and the start of a free weekend for us!


Have you ever been awake for 48 hours?

Not quite that long, but pretty close.  I did something stupid when I was a teenager and got punished for it by not being allowed to go to sleep.  Oops!


What are you listening to?

the TV in the background, my son babbling, and a thunderstorm rolling in.


Do you like your first name?

It’s ok.  Never thought to much about it.


Baseball or football?

neither really, but if I had to choose probaby baseball


Do you like the color gray?

not really.  I probably should say yes since my entire house is covered in gray carpeting or gray tiles!  lol l But it is such a nondescript color.  I guess that’s why its a ‘neutral’.  lol


Are you jealous of anyone right now?

not that I can think of


Do you regret doing something today?

not today.


When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?

I wonder where it touches on each end


Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn’t?

oh yes, most definately! there are a few people that I’ve lost touch with that I wish I hadn’t.


Do you think you’re old?

Your only as old as you think you are.  I don’t think I’m "old" but I still marvel at the fact that I am the age I am.  If I had been asked what I would be doing or what my life would be like at this age when I was a kid I wouldn’t have even been able to imagine what life had in store for me. 


Are you afraid of the dark?

Not anymore.


What are you looking forward to in the next month?

our annual trip to my DH’s aunt and uncle’s house to visit them next week.  We also will be able to see my inlaws, my SIL and DH’s Grandma who just had surgery a few weeks ago.  It’s a trip we look forward to every year.  My cousin (who’s always been more like my brother) is getting married in a few weeks so I get to go and celebrate with him and meet his new baby girl for the first time!


Do you like pancakes?

when I was a kid I literally lived off those things!  Now I can take them or leave them.  But my son is turning out to be just like me, he LOVES pancakes!  lol


Are you single or taken?



Is there a member of the opposite gender on your mind?

yes, always.


Have you told anybody you loved them today?

Yes, every day many times a day.


Do you miss anyone?

yes, from the depths of my heart to the pit of my soul.


Are you growing apart from someone?

no, that was a while ago. 


Do you have a facebook?

yes I do. 


Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?

my DH, my very close friends, my Mom


Are you living a lie?



Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?



Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren’t?

Don’t we all do that? I think we all do at some point or another.


Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?

yes, I know they do.


What is one thing you miss about your past?

those who have passed on that I can no longer share my life with, being young and worry free


Can you see yourself ever being with an ex?



Do you talk a lot?

sometimes, but not really.


Can you play pool?



When was the last time you cried really hard?

a few weeks ago


If you could change your eye color would you?



Ever had a song written about you?

not for me, but there is a song out there with my first name in it that kind of suits my life right now.  lol


Are you self conscious?



Last bed you slept in and with who?

mine with my DH


Ever danced in front of the mirror?

I don’t think so


How many hours sleep did you get last night?

7 1/2-8


What do you currently hear right now?

a horrible storm rolling in that just made it look like the middle of the night outside.  Yikes!


What did you do today?

woke up shortly after 8, got up and talked with DH before he headed off to work,  did my excercises on Wii Fit, ate breakfast, caught up on emails and such, got the kiddos up and fed, played with them for a bit, looked through a couple of cookbooks for dinner ideas/something new to make, made lunch, got the mail


Would you ever forgive someone if they cheated on you?

I don’t know


is there anyone you hate?

no, but there is certain "kinds" of people I struggle with.


You like the color green?

some shades of it


Who did you hug last?

my kiddos


Last person who told you things were going to be okay?

my son


Can a girl and boy be best friends without having feelings for each other?

I think so


Who was the last person that left you a comment?

on here it was my friend Annissa


Its 3 in the morning, your phone rings who do you expect it to be?

my Mom or someone calling about my Mom, maybe my inlaws.  it’s usually not good news with a phone call at that time of the day


What do you think your best friend is doing right now?

spending time with her kids, doing things on the computer


How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?



Who was the last friend at your house?

it’s been a long time but probably Tiffany

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July 10, 2008

Ooh! I love your surveys!

July 17, 2008
