Wiggling my way to fit

My DH got me a surprise last week.  He went to work early one day and made a stop at Walmart to check on whether or not they  had the new Wii Fit in stock.  and they did!  So he picked one up and brought it home for me. 

And no, it wasn’t a "gee honey your getting chubby and need to work out" kind of gift.  lol We had talked about it for quite some time before it came out.  My SIL is actually the one that got us turned on to it.  And we both decided that it looked like something that could benefit both of us.  But then DH dropped the ball and failed to make the preorder before Mother’s Day so we figured we wouldn’t have a chance of getting one.  All the reviews and what not said that if you didn’t preorder it then you wouldn’t likely get on in your hands until sometime in 2009.  So I was resigned that it would be just that.


But anway, so once we were company free after the holidays we broke it out to give it a try.  I’ve been working out on it now for 4 days and have lost 4 lbs!  whoohooooo!!!!!!   It tracks your weight, BMI and all that good stuff so you can see your progress.  It allows you to set goals for yourself and shows you whether or not your on the right path to achieving them. 


Mostly I’ve been working on Aerobics and Balance.  But I branched out and tried Yoga today and did pretty well on that.  And I haven’t really done the strength training stuff at all yet but I[‘m working my way up to it.  lol  After all, have to take it slow so I don’ t throw this old tired body into shock!  lol


I’m doing pretty decent at short distance running (if you knew me at all you would know that I HATE to run and haven’t done it since it was a requirement in PE class in school!), step aerobics (love it!), hula hoop and advanced hoola (again, love it!) and I love the balance games.  I’m getting better at all of these things every day.


I excercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.  And I’m hoping it is doing me some good.  Obviously it shouldn’t hurt me to get my butt up and moving a little bit.  I know there are people out there that would scoff and say that it’s not a "real" workout but a game.  Well, maybe it’s not ‘real’ to some but to me it’s pretty good.  I don’t have anyone to go to a gym with so this works for me.  Especially since I can do it at home and don’t have to worry about finding someone to watch the kiddos.  And DH is also doing it so it’s kind of cool to track his progress too and see which one of us is doing better.  🙂  

I’m hoping that my motivation keeps up with this.  So far it’s not been to bad.  Actually, I usually go into it thinking that I’ll only work out like 15 minutes and then when I reach that I’m like "oh, well I think I’ll do more" and before I know it I’ve worked out 30-60 minutes! 

So that’s what I’m up to these days.  I could stand to lose a few pounds (but most people could) and I most definitely could use to get more in shape after having two kids.  So it’s all good! 

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May 30, 2008

I absolutely love the Wii Fit…I’ve had it since the 21st. I think my favorites are the Hula Hoop thing, and the running, and all of the balance games. Congrats on the 4 lbs.

May 30, 2008

Whoohoo!! Awesome 4lb weight loss. 😀 It actually sounds really neat. Its gotta beat going to the gym alone anyday!!

June 10, 2008

sounds tempting….wish i had a wii

June 10, 2008

That’s cool!! Lisa & Josh have it….. I might do it when no one is around, but .. LOL… Dennis went over to play it the night of his birthday – he said he liked it until it called him obese (which he isn’t) … LOLOLOL…