For your reading pleasure….

Here, have a survey.  lol

1) If you got married to your significant other what would your last name be? Tegen

2) What did you do today? so far I’ve made breakfast for the boys, fed them, talked with my attorney’s office, caught up on emails, caught up with my DH’s cousins on Facebook since they tracked me down (lol), called to get a haircut appt, looked for some documents I thought were at home but realize now they aren’t.  Soon I will think of what we are having for lunch, plan dinner out, clean the house, and wash clothes.  Who knows what the rest of the day will hold!  lol

3) When do you plan on having kids or your next kid?  I had one in 2004, one in 2007 and I want another one.  as to when that may happen, who knows.  DH says he wants to "give it time" before thinking about that. 

4) Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them? nope

5) Can you take a bra off with one hand? Yep.

6) Can you use chopsticks? No

7) How old were you when you lost your first tooth? I’m not really sure, 5 or 6 maybe.

8) Were you a hyper or mellow kid? I was a very mellow kid.  Still am a very mellow person.

9) Why did you throw up last? The flu

10) Last time you were drunk? I have never gotten drunk.

11) What’s for dinner? Homemade mac n’ cheese and possibly pork chops and a veggie, haven’t fully decided yet.

12) Ever been to the Statue of Liberty? Nope, never been to NYC.

13) Voting for Hillary? Nope! Don’t care if she’s a woman- I don’t want her as my president.

14) How many e-mail addresses do you have? only one now I think.

15) Do you HAVE to have brand name stuff? No I don’t HAVE to have it but generally that’s what we get.

16) Last time you washed your hair? Going to be doing that here shortly.

17) Who will you be sleeping with tonight? my hubby, just like I do every night.

18) Do you like Oreos? I do, especially the mint oreos.  Yum!

20) Can you ice skate? Not on your life.  lol

21) Do you have a brother? Nope, I’m an only child.

22) Do you know how to change a diaper? I do. And that comes in handy since I have two kids!  😉

23) Do you flip people off while driving? Can’t say that I do.  But I do shoot them a dirty look if I have the chance to combined with the "WTH?" upraised hands!  lol

24) What color is your car? Green

25) Would you take a bullet for anyone? Not just anyone, but a select few someones.

26) Do you keep a planner or scheduler? I do.  After all, I keep track of schedules for 4 people so it helps me keep my sanity.  lol

27) Who’s your favorite American Idol judge? No thanks! I so don’t watch Idol.

28) Do you like to grocery shop? Not really, but it beats starving.

29) What kind of mood are you in? content bordering on nonchalant.  lol

30) Last time you cleaned? Let’s see, I did a super deep clean about two weeks ago.  I clean and pick up every day.  And I cleaned out the garage last weekend.

31) Did you get an Easter Basket? When I was little.

32) What pills do you take daily? None.

33) Are you in anyone’s wedding this year? Nope, no weddings.

34) Do you do your own laundry? I do.  And I also do it for three other people in my house!

35) Do you go tanning? Nope.  I spend enough time outside that I don’t have to worry about that.

36) Has someone close to you passed away this year? No, not this year thankfully.  But last year.  🙁

37) Bubble baths or showers? I HATE baths.  Yuck!  So I am a shower girl.

40) What’s the best part about being single?  Being able to come and go as you please without having to answer to anyone else.  Buying

whatever you want because it’s your money and no one can complain about how much you spent.  But on the flip side, being married isn’t all that bad.

41) Paper or plastic? Plastic. I reuse them.

42) Do you watch "The Hills"? Never have, most likely never will.

43) Last CD you played? an actual CD….probably a Christmas one.  lol

44) What did you do last Saturday night? went out to dinner at Perkins with the family.

45) What do you order from McDonalds? usually a Big Mac, fries, Sprite with no ice and a side of mayo for my fries.  And sometimes it’s a fish, double cheeseburger or just a single cheeseburger.  Or if I’m not super hungry just a Happy Meal.  lol

46) Which one of your friends is going to have the cutest baby? Do I count?!?!  lol  I think pretty much all babies are cute so any of my friends who are having/have had babies have cuties. 

47) What is the theme of your bedroom? Cranberry cluttered.  lol  I have no ‘theme’.  It’s just a bedroom.

48) Wearing any bracelets? Not at the moment.

49) Last thing someone bought for you? hmmmmm…….my DH bought me dinner and a cookbook for our anniversary.  I think that’s it.  ohhhh, no I forgot, my SIL just emailed me and said she bought me something and it was on it’s way, but I don’t know what it is yet.  It’s a VERY belated birthday present for my birthday that was in the beginning of March.  lol

50) What are you going to do now? go out and get my mail to see how many glorious bills await me.  lol

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May 7, 2008

Wouldn’t it be nice to get money in the mail instead of bills??? LOL

May 7, 2008

WOW!!! I know I’ve gotten Drunk…a few times in my life!! LOLOL