A little of this, a little of that

Got arrested? nope

Broken a bone? Never!!!

Went to a concert? do choir/band concerts in HS count?  lol  if not then no.

Met someone famous? Yes, actually.  Just last night we met Alton Brown from Food Network.  It was very cool.

Dyed your hair? Nope

Had a one night stand? nope

Made someone cry? Yes

Pretended to be someone you weren’t online?  Yep

Eaten food that fell on the floor? Hasn’t everyone?

Flashed someone? Not on purpose.  lol

Gone out without underwear on? Nope

Got into a fist fight?  nope

Swallowed bath water? I’m sure I have at some point in my life.

Peed in the pool? Negative!

Been so drunk you can’t walk? Never ever!

What would you be if you could be …

An Animal? white tiger, monkey or anything really

A Household Object? family dining table

Article of Clothing? warm, cozy fuzzy pj’s.

A Drink? milk

A Film Character? Winnie the Pooh

A Cartoon Character? Thomas the Tank Engine

A Country? The United States of America!!!! What else?

A Mythical Creature? a phoenix


Deodorant : Dove

Toothpaste : Crest

Shampoo : Pantene

Razor : Venus

Socks: Hanes

Detergent : Tide

Car : Dodge

Computer : desktop is self made  and then a Dell laptop

Beer : Corona

Cereal : Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Type in the first thing that comes into your mind when you see these words

Relationships: everlasting

Your Last Ex: mysterious

Power: couldn’t live without it

Food: LOVE it!

Drugs: No thank you

The President: can’t get out of office FAST  enough or SOON enough!

War: senseless loss of innocent lives

Gas Prices:  are best not discussed!  lol

Politics: say no to Republicans and yes to change!

Brunettes: I am one!

Redheads:  love them too!  lol (my son is one!)

Blondes: I like them as well since my other son is one!  lol

Work:  is a four letter word! lol

Football:  grown men getting paid to much

Animals:  life’s loyal companions

Vanilla Ice: glad that era has passed!

Porta Potties:  can be gross but a very welcome site at times!

Choose One

Cat or Dog? Dog

Short or Long Hair? Long

Innie or Outie? Innie

Basketball or Football? Football

Hugs or Kisses? Depends on who I am kissin or huggin but usually both are welcome

1 Best Friend or 10 Acquaintances? 1 best friend

McDonalds or Burger King? Micky Ds

Summer or Winter: Summer (spring/fall is better)

Sing or Dance? I can sing, just don’t around anyone but my kids.  Love to dance though.

Red or Blue? blue

Hamburger or Hotdogs? Burgers!

Heaven or hell? Duhhh this is a real hard one! Heaven

Your Fears? that I’ll lose those I love

Your Most Overused Phrase?  I mean seriously

Thoughts First Waking Up?  "what time is it?"  lol

Your Best Physical Feature?   if you ask my DH he’ll say my chest.  lol  but I think it’s either my hair or my eyes.

Your Bedtime? When I am tired I go to sleep.

Pepsi or Coke? Coke products for the most part but lately I’ve been drinking non-caffeine stuff.

Ice Cream or Yogurt? I like them both, just depends on my mood

Pizza or Chinese? Depends on my mood again

Waffles or Pancakes? I likes em both but pancakes better.

Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla so I can ‘dress it up’.  lol

Cappuccino or Coffee  ? I hate coffee.  But I like cappuccino from Kwik Trip.

Do You Smoke? No

Do You Drink? not often

Do You Swear?  probably to much at times.

Do You Sing?  I can but don’t very often unless it’s to my kids or in the car all alone.

What’s your favorite position during sex? Seriously, this is no one’s business IMO.  Some girls don’t kiss and tell!

Do You Shower Daily  ? not always

Do You Want To Get Married?  should have asked me that question 8 years ago yesterday!  lol  But yes, I would do it all over again if I had the chance.

Do You Have Any Brothers or Sisters? I  am an only child

Do You Like Thunderstorms? I do as long as nothing worse like a tornado comes along with it. 

Do You Play an Instrument? Not anymore.  but I used to play the accordion.

Do You Have any Pets? I have a cat named Mouse

What Is Your Favorite Color? Burgundy, gold, cinnamon, hunter green, black, blues

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos? Nope

In the past month have you eaten Sushi?  no but I would like to, it’s been a while since I’ve had sush


In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping? I don’t even swim let alone skinny dip.  Besides, I think if I did that it would go from ‘skinny dip’ to more of a ‘chunky dunk".  lol

In the past month have you Stolen Anything? I don’t steal.

Ever Been Called a Tease?  Yes, my hubby called me that last night.  lol

Ever Shoplifted? nope

Ever Gotten a Speeding Ticket? Yes I have, I got my first one about 3 years ago.

Ever Been to Disney? Yes I have about 15 years ago or so.  Thinking of maybe taking the kiddos soon.

When Was the Last Time You Were on a Plane? Christmas 2005.

When Was the Last Time You Heard "I Love You"?  Earlier today from my son.  Otherwise last night from DH and my son

When Was the Last Time You Cried? This past weekend.

Number of Piercings? two in each ear, so four total.

Number of Tattoos? None

Do you have a lot of friends?     Not alot, but the ones I have I have for a reason and we’ve been friends for a LONG time.

Are you close with them?  Not geographically as close as we used to be but we are still pretty close, we keep in touch alot.

Who do you tell everything to?  My hubby, and then probably my best friend  Annissa.

Is that person your best friend? Yes on both accounts   

Do you want kids? I have two but I would like more

Do you miss being a kid?  sometimes.  Life was simpler back then.

Who was the last person to call you?     My mom last night.  Oh and I guess DH just called to say he’s heading home.

Are you a nice person? I’d like to think so.

what’s your name?  Cathy

How often do you have sex? It’s been a while. 

Name someone you wanna be intimate with now? my hubby

What turns you on the most? Knowing he’s all mine and I never have to worry about that.

Most orgasms in one session?   a good girl never shares.  lol

Apple juice or orange juice?      Orange

Are you a morning or night person?  I am a night person for sure.

Autobots or Decepticons? neither

What were your favorite childhood television programs? Pink Panther, Smurfs, and lots of others.

Are you a collector of anything? I collect Willow Tree angels.

If you could have any superpower what would it be? ability to be in three places at once.  As a mom that would come in sooo handy sometimes.  lol

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets?   not really.

Do you believe in ghosts? somewhat

You’re given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?  let’s see…..college funds for my son’s, retirement accounts for DH and I and then maybe a different house.  The rest goes into investments for whatever we may want later on.

What’s the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?      Their smile and their eyes.

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