Still alive

I’m a still alive!  I promise, just don’t have a whole ton going on right now and certainly not much that is worthy of actually talking about.

It’s been schizophrenic weather the past couple of weeks.  It goes from 60’s and beautiful to 30’s and raining, and then it decided to really mix it up and threw a little dusting of snow in there.  Oye!  Currently it is in the 50’s and raining…..again!  I think spring has arrived, but I think Mother Nature’s meds need to be adjusted because that crazy loon is all over the map!!!  lol

Last weekend we were supposed to go back home.  But we didn’t.  My friend from HS just bought a house and was having her House Blessing party on Saturday.  I know I should have probably gone, but I didn’t.  Bad me.  It also happened to be on the same day that my Mom was supposed to work a consignment auction for this club we belong to back home and I just wasn’t feeling up to helping out with that.  So yeah, we just didn’t go back home at all.

But instead we did a whole bunch of stuff around here.  On Saturday our local Toys R Us was having a Day out with Thomas thingy in the store.  I thought it would be fun for K to go so we planned on going.  We got there and it was L-A-M-E.  Oh my gosh!  They were supposed to have all sorts of events, train tables, story times every half hour, etc, etc, etc.  They never did story time the entire time we were there.  They had a single table set up with some printed off coloring pages and a couple of crayons.  And normally they have one of those big train tables set up in our store for the kids to play on. But they had taken it down for this event.  Why??  And instead had replaced it with one tiny, silly little rug type thing with printed on roads and such.  And there were like a dozen kids trying to crowd around that tiny little mat to play.  It was really, really sad.  My son looked at it and wasn’t even interested in doing anything.  So instead we looked around the store a little bit.  We had told him we weren’t going there to buy anything but we could look.  And he did AWESOME!  He walked nicely beside me, held my hand, looked at stuff and never touched or asked for a thing (he normally never asks for anything).  And when we told him it was time to go he was ok with that and quietly walked out with us.  I was so proud of him.  All we ended up buying there was a little portable folding potty seat type thing to put in the diaper bag and some food for J since he was running low on veggies.  K was content with just picking out stuff for his brother.  So he got lots of hugs and praises for being such a good boy.

After the toy store we went to the mall for "chicken and rice" as K calls it (aka Japenese) for lunch.  Went to Macy’s and bought DH some new work shirts, which K helped pick out for him.  Can’t go wrong, his dress shirts for work normally run around $45 and they had a whole bunch of them on clearance with an additional % off that day so we paid like $10 a shirt.  Love clearance racks!  lol  Then on our way out of Macy’s DH spotted that they were having a bowling tournament for the Wii. So while he stayed and competed in the tournament the boys and I went to JcPenny to look around.  Found some cute thigns for the boys.  And I even found a couple of cute things for myself for a change. DH eventually caught up to us there so I sent the boys with him and they went to Barnes & Noble while I went to check out. But then I figured I might as well take advantage of having no kiddos around ( and better yet no DH!) so I went to see if I could find some new jeans for myself.   My Mom bought me a pair at Christmas and I love them so figured I would get another pair.  Well luck was on my side becuase I found them on a clearance rack!  For$6.97!!!!  I thought there would be no way they would have my size but lo and behold they had three pairs so I snagged them all.  lol  Then I thought I’d take a quick look to see if they maybe had anything in my Mom’s size.  She has to wear uniforms to work so she doesn’t ahve much for ‘regular’ jeans when she’s not working and she’s retiring soon.  And luck struck once again, I found Levi’s, in her size for $6.97 too.  So it was a good shopping day.  Not to mention that it was their birthday bash sale or something so I got an additional $20 knocked off my total.  So I ended up getting alot of nice stuff and saved over $165!!  Whoohoooo!!!!!

Sunday our local Children’s Museum had a free admission day, which they don’t have very often. So we decided to take advantage of it and go.  I took K there once when DH was on a business trip and DH was always so irked that I never went when he was around so he finally got to go.  We spent over 3 hours there.  K had a BLAST!  I was so glad that we went becuause he had so much fun.  Even if it did screw up their nap schedules and what not, it was worth it to see how much fun he had there.

This week has been rather dull.  Not a whole lot has been going on.  It was beutiful out yesterday so I figured it was a good day to finally break out the grill and throw some burgers on it for the first time this season.  I even made a homemade pasta salad that I had never tried before and that turned out yummy.  But wouldn’t ya know it, things never go the way you plan.  Got the burgers all set to go on the grill and went ot light it only to find out that it was empty on gas.  Doh!!!!  I had it shut off last fall but then we had someone visiting who thought it was still turned on and ‘helped’ us out by turning it off. Well, guess what, they turned it on full so I lost the whole tank of gas over the winter.  Grrrr….  And our extra tank was empty too. So the burgers got thrown in a pan on the stove instead.  And the pasta salad I had made was supposed to have a Italian dressing/ranch dressing sauce on it and I thought I had Italian dressing in the fridge when I quickly scanned it earlier in the day but I was worng.  So that kind of put a crimp in that dish as well.  But I had just bought this new Kraft Vidalia Onion and something salad dressing the other day so we tried that and it was YUMMY on there.  So it worked out after all but not how I had planned.

Today we had to take J to the oral surgeon.  My oldest son had a frenuplasty when he was 18 months old.  That basically is a surgery where they cut the little flap of skin that is under your tongue that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth.  With my oldest we noticed somehting didn’t seem right when he was really young and kept bringing it up to his regular doc but she kept telling us to wait and he would likely outgrow it.  But by the time he was a year and he was still having issues with getting his tongue out to the edge of his lip and such and he was late in talking we finally got a chance to see an oral surgeon for an evaluation.  Well, it ended up that he was tongue tied and that little tether of skin was so tight he couldn’t stick his tongue out to lick his lips.  Finally at 18 months he had it released during surgery and it was even more severe than they thought orginally once he was under for the surgery.  Well, since we were aware of it after having our first son we knew what to look for with our youngest.  And we noticed that he had some of the tell tale signs of being tongue tied as well (mainly that when he sticks his tongue out it eventually hits a point where it pulls under and creates a little heart shape with his tongue)  So we decided to just bypass the regular doc since she still has the ‘wait and see’ approach to such things and I just went ahead and made an appt to see the same surgeon who did our oldest son’s surgery.  So we took him today, they looked at him and decided that having a release of his tongue would likely be beneficial to him.  While his does not appear to be as extreme as K’s it will be good to get it fixed.  So now the doc is sending the request to our insurance company for approval and then we’ll schedule the surgery for sometime probably early summer or so.  I’ve been through it before, I know what to expect but it’s always scary when your child is being put under and having any kind of surgical procedure, no matter how easy it is.  So we know that sometime in the near future we’ll be heading down that road with J to have his tongue fixed so that his speech doesn’t get affected, etc.

We were supposed to be heading out of town tomorrow to go to the Dells with some friends but that isn’t going to happen.    So it sounds like my Mom might be coming down for a visit this weekend instead.   So we’ll see.

That’s about it for the excitement around here.  Like I said, not much worth talking about but some fun stuff for my kids all the same. 

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April 17, 2008

Glad things are going pretty well! SCORE on the cheap jeans!! =)

April 17, 2008
April 17, 2008

I can never find good stuff like that on sale!! What a lucky shopping trip! Sounds like your getting the same odd weather crud that we’ve had. Rain, snow, hail one day and 65 and sunny the next. Lovely Wisconsin weather like always! I’m glad its spring though. 😀

April 18, 2008

gee you found tons of great deals!