from 0 to 70…….

1. Would you bang your neighbour?

2. What word describes your last relationship? long lasting.

3. Are you a dog or cat person? definetly a dog person yet we currently own a cat.  Go figure! lol

4. What’s the last movie you saw? Grease 2

5. I’ve come to realize the last person who held my hand: is growing up way to fast. 🙁

6. What is your middle name? Della

7. Who have you talked to most today? my kids

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?  we try to now that we have kids.

9. Colour of your boxers/panties? wouldn’t you like to know. 😉

10. Colour of your shirt? gray

11. I’m always…: with my kids.

12. Who’s on speed dial 2? 4? 6? I don’t have anyone on speed dial.

13. Honestly, how many boys or girls have you been in love with? only truly been in live with my hubby.  the other guys I could only say at most were a school girl crush

14. What’s your favourite season? spring and fall

15. How do you feel right now? ok.

16. Are you a bad influence? Nope

17. Would you do anything for your best friend? Yes, within reason

20. Have you ever been called a money grubbing wench? not in so many words

22. What is your ringtone?  some strange song that I can’t remember

23. What song is on? no song is on right now.

24. Are your grades good? they were pretty good

25. Do you hate anyone/anything? Not really i am annoyed by  adults that are two faced and lie about you to others but i don’t hate them

26. Does your best friend have a MySpace?

27. When’s the last time you had chocolate?
about 5:30 tonight

28. Last time you went out to lunch? Sunday

29. What are you drinking right now? nothing

30. What are you doing this Friday? nothing that I know of anymore.

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears cd? i have none

34. What did you do before this? made and ate dinner with the family

35. Are you a Lost fanatic? No, not at all

36. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail? pass

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?  nope

38. What do you think of the screen writers’ boycott strike? I’m glad it’s finally over with!

39. How many pillows do you have on your bed right now? two

40. What would you name your children if you had any right now? I have two already and their names are Kyle and Jacob.  But if I had another and it was a girl she would be named Katelynn.

41. If you could live anywhere with your family where would it be?
I rather like where we are living now.  I like being close to my family.

42. What’s the last big purchase you made? my son’s crib I think.

44. What’s your favourite movie? Grease

45. What is your favorite song? I don’t honestly know.

46. Do you shop at Goodwill or Salvation Army? haven’t shopped at either in a long time, but I used to shop at both.

47. What is your favourite kind of candy? milk chocolate

48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate? I think so

49. Can you sing?  yep

50. Can you dance? you bet!

51. Do you like cereal? I like certain ones better than others.

52. Do you eat ice cubes? nope, not a big fan of ice cubes in drinks even.

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? I like to try and organize things but don’t do a great job of it.  But I’m not a freak about either, just normal I would say.

54. Name an inside joke only you and a friend would know: hmmmmmm.  I don’t know.

55. Do you know how to knit?  nope, but I can crochet

56. Dream job?  I have my dream job now, SAHM!  But outside of the house I would like to own either a children’s consignment type store or book store.  Or just do the job I trained to do, a social worker.

57. Where did you buy your last pair of shoes from?   Kohl’s

60. What is in store for your future?  Who knows, have to wait and see I guess.

61. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?  probably a Pomegranate margarita a few months ago.

63. Do you wear jewelry? Yes, I wear a diamond pendant from my son, my wedding rings, my birthstone ring and my mother’s ring, watch and two pairs of earrings.  Oh and a toe ring.  lol

65. Can you put your legs behind your head? Not any more!

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? Not any to be honest.

67. Medicine, fine arts, or law? I used to be in the legal field for a while.  Still have an interest in the law.  And I have always had an interest in medicine, especially biology and genetics, stuff like that.

68. What would you do if you received a long love letter? tear up, give hubby a big hug and a kiss.

69 What’s your favorite Disney movie?   I like them all!

70. What are your plans for tonight? relax at home with the family.

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April 15, 2008


April 16, 2008

LOL!! Love it!! ***I love Kohl’s too!!!!

April 16, 2008
