Spring….where are you??

I am so ready for spring to just get here already.  Ugggh.  I am so tired of the sickness this winter.  I want my family to be healthy already!!!!!  Like my DH said last night, I think that for he and I this is the worst winter because we’ve been sicker this winter than we have in the past 10 years.  And I know this winter has been the worst for our kids.  I’ve been a mother for over 4 years and we’ve dealt with throwing up and what not more in the past three months than we ever had.  He was almost 4 before he threw up for the first time.  Now it seems it hits us all the time.  And the sad thing is that they don’t go to day care or school yet. 

DH felt better this morning so he went to work.  He wasn’t sure if he would make it through the entire day but he did.  So I think he is on the path to recovery.

K is still sick.  🙁   He seems to be over the pukies pretty well.  He’s been eating for the past day and a half now and has kept it all down.  So things are almost back to normal that way.  But now I think he is coming down with a cold or some other type of ickiness.  He’s been running a fever since yesterday.  I’ve managed to bring it down but not break it yet.  And unfortunately, he won’t take medicine.  He used to be so awesome at taking meds.  But then he had a bad incident a while back and now he won’t take anything.  We’ve tried everything and nothing has worked so far.  So he’s working it out himself right now.  I’m hoping he breaks that fever soon because then he’ll feel better sooner.  If he still has the fever going on tomorrow I’m going to throw him in a lukewarm bath and see if I can’t help that way.  He spent a good portion of today with a cold washcloth on either his forehead or neck, that seemed to help some.  And he wanted to take a nap a little after one (usually he goes down for one around 3) and he slept until almost 6 today.  Plus last night he wanted to go to bed a little after 9 and they both slept through the night until almost 10 this morning.  He has been sleeping ALOT lately.  I know he needs it so I don’t mind.  I just hate feeling so helpless that I can’t help him better so he can feel better.

J fortunately has been doing ok so far. (knock on wood)  Well, he’s not gotten the pukies at all.  But he’s had a few bouts of diarrhea that has caused some blowouts.  But if that’s the worst that he comes down with after all this other stuff going on around him for the past few days I won’t complain!

I had to venture out tonight after DH got home so I could get groceries and such.  My intent was to do it on Monday but other things made that impossible.  But we were dangerously low on diapers and with diarrhea and the like going on that is not a good idea.  It was nice to be able to go out all alone for a change to do things.  Sure goes much faster when I’m not having to hunt DH down or whatever when we are in a store.  My boys are great shoppers so that is never an issue but DH is worse than a child to take to a store.  lol  I have to back track so much trying to get everything I need becuase I have to continually hunt him down so I can put things in the cart and what not.  So it was faster this way.  And when I got home he was just putting dinner on the table.  So I can’t complain I guess!  lol

But the past few days are wearing me down.  I’ve not been sick (knocks on wood again) but having to be the nurse for everyone else in the household is tiring.  I don’t mind do those things for the kids and stuff.  But it makes for very long days when its none stop something or another.  Then add a sick DH into the mix and it gets even crazier. 

I get to look forward to another "alone" time out this week.  I get to go and have our taxes done.  Yay!  lol  So DH will stay home with the boys so that goes faster too.  Then I’m hoping to be able to sneak over to Toys R Us for their big sale becuase there is a couple of things I would like to pick up for the boys and not having them along would be much better.  So I’m hoping that can happen.

Well, the boys are all asleep.  I think it’s time for Mommy to think about getting some rest.  Tomorrow could be another long day.  What am I talking about, tomorrow WILL be a long day because Thursdays are DH’s early days to have to go to work so I’ll be up before 7.  Yuck! 

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March 26, 2008

I have so been there. It will pass…I promise things wlll get back to normal. I remember how overwhelming it was my first year that we were sick over and over. I think it was back in 2004. Fun times I know. Take Care,

March 27, 2008

I’m sorry everyone is sick! Right now it is SNOWING here!! That’s not right! I hope it melts soon and we don’t get much!

March 27, 2008

{{{HUGS}}} Give the boys smooches from me!

March 27, 2008

I sure know what your talking about. Seems like every time I get the boys healthy for a week, something else comes along. UGH I hope your boys are feeling better soon!