I’m still around

Seems like forever since I wrote and actual entry here.    But then again, my days seem to run together and I get lost along the way and can’t remember what day I am on so you can’t blame me!  lol

Our holiday weekend started last Thursday.  DH came home early from work so we could head out.  We were going back home.  My cousin, who I am super close to  and he’s more like a brother to me than anything else, is having a baby.  His fiancee is due April 1st.  So they had a baby shower for them on Thursday night.  It was great to be able to see all my cousins and everything.  I last saw most of them over a year ago.  And I haven’t seen my cousin who is having the baby since Sept. 2006.  You probably are thinking "how can she be close to him if she hasn’t seen him in that length of time?"  but trust me we are.  It’s just when I saw the rest of them he was on a cruise so I didn’t get to see him.  But we talk on the phone and stuff.  So it was great at the party.  My kids had fun playing with all of their cousins.  One of my cousins got to meet my youngest for the very first time because they live out of town and don’t get back very often and generally not any time we are around.  So it was all good.

Friday DH had off, which is why we went up for the party the night before.  My Mom on the other hand did not have the day off.  When I woke up Friday morning it was snowing and had dumped a bunch on the ground already.  A friend of mine from HS who is moving into the new house she just bought had wanted me to come and help out if I had time.  But with the snow and all I figured I would be able to because DH wanted to keep my van in case he wanted/needed to go somewhere with the boys.  And the only vehicle available at my Mom’s was her truck and I’ve not driven the truck in snow before and didn’t know if I wanted to try it out that day.  But eventually my friend called and said if I could find a ride home she would be out to get me so that’s what we did.  I spent about 4 hours with her helping her and getting things packed up for the big move.  Got alot accomplished.  Continued to snow the entire day.  Then my friend had some performances at her church that night for Good Friday so I went with her and that’s where I got picked up by my Mom.

Friday night we went out for dinner.  We had planned on going to church for a Good Friday fish fry but couldn’t find out what time they were serving and what not so we gave up that idea and just went somewhere else.  While we were at the restaurant my son, who is potty training, actually asked for the first time while we’ve been away from home to go potty.  I was super impressed.  We are making head way I guess!

Saturday my Mom’s ‘friend’ got sick just before 4 a.m. and woke everyone in the house up with his stupidness.  So it was a long night that way.  Saturday morning my Mom, DH, two boys and I went to a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny event put on by a local Optimist club by our hometown.  A bunch of family friends belong to this club and they called and invited us all to come so the kids could see the Easter bunny so we went.  Both boys surprisingly sat on the bunnies lap to get their pic taken and didn’t even blink that a huge bunny was holding them.  lol

After breakfast on Saturday we headed over to the dealership to sign our lives away.  lol  My Mom bought a new-to-her car to replace the one that got totaled in the accident about a month ago.  So we had to go into the dealership to sign the papers and get the loan stuff all taken care of.  And I am my Mom’s co-signer so I had to sign on the dotted line to.  lol  My son was beside himself ecstatic about Grandma’s new car.  lol  He was just beside himself having to wait until we were done to be able to go out by Grandma’s car.  Our friend, who was the salesman we bought from, made K his very own set of keys for Grandma’s truck he told him.  He gave him some random unknown key and put it on some keychains along with an old non-working keyless remote for a car and told him he didn’t have to share those with anyone.  K thought it was super cool to have that and was ear to ear grins after that. lol  Oh the simple things that can make a child happy!  I got to drive the new car back to Mom’s, it’s really nice. 

For the remainder of Saturday we just hung out around Mom’s house playing with the kids, watching TV and just relaxing.   It continued to snow all day that day too.  So my DH was the ony one that ventured out after a while and went and picked up lunch for everyone and went to a bookstore to get a book since we were house bound. 

Sunday, of course, was Easter.    Right after the boys got up we colored Easter eggs.  It’s the first time K has ever had a chance to do that.  He’s at the age now where he is actually understanding and getting into holidays and traditions so it was a good time to show him this one.  He had a blast!  Of course he made me nervous thinking he was going to dump all that dye all over the place and stain my Mom’s house but he did great and didn’t make a single mess.  If it had been left up to him he would have dyed them all pink since they were the brightest but we managed to get some of each color.  The kit we used had a wax crayon in it so I had him "write" on an egg.  He was disappointed and kept telling me the crayon was broke because there was no color.  Then I had him dip it.  lol  His eyes got huge when he saw that!  So it was pretty cool.  And after his nap he discovered that the Easter bunny had made his appearance and left baskets for them.  Surprisingly, he didn’t want to eat a single piece of candy out of his basket.

We got home last night.  Got the van unloaded and got everyone in the house.  I helped K get his shoes and stuff off and he said he was tired. So we took the boys up and started getting them ready for bed.  K started to cry and said he wanted to use the potty.  We figured it was just his normal routine of using the potty before bed so we had him run in there.  I went in and was getting his potty set up and he said "mommy my tummy hurts" and no sooner had he said that he threw up all over my floor.  And did it twice more.  Then he informed me he felt better.  So I threw him in the tub and got him all cleaned up and sent him back to his room to get ready for bed.  And he was fine.  He went to bed and we never heard from him the rest of the night. 

This morning K got up by 9:30 and said he was doing ok.  He seemed a little shakey when I watched him. And he seemed to be on the verge of being overly emotional too but I didn’t know why.  So I gave him some Gatorade because I just didn’t think milk would be a good idea.  After he drank some of that he seemed to perk up.  He didn’t want anything to eat so I didn’t push it.  He wanted to play, watch a movie and what not so I let him and just kept checking on him to make sure he was ok.  Then by 12:20 he said he was tired and wanted to go to bed.  So I took him up there and put him down and he snuggled right in and took a nap.  When I took J up at 2 to take his nap K was kind of awake but wanted to go back to sleep.  It is now 5:30 and K is still asleep.  I figured if he is fighting something that is making him feel kind of yucky and tired  then he might as well sleep and get better faster.

I on the other hand was supposed to have a dentist appt this afternoon.  But last night I had a sore throat and was super tired myself.  I figured I was fighting something off.  When I woke up this morning I was feeling kind of blah so I called in and rescheduled  The receptionisht said it was probably a good idea because I sounded awful.  Gee thanks!  lol  I didn’t think I sounded like anything but I must have.  I don’t enjoy going to the dentist in the first place but going when I’m not feeling 100% would have made it way worse so it was better to just reschedule.

Well, soon I’m sure Dh will call to say he is heading home.  So I must think about what all we are going to have for dinner tonight.  I’m thinking it will be pretty simple since I’m sure K won’t want to eat so it will likely just be DH and I.  Tonight sounds like a good chance to just veg out and take it easy at home. So I’m off.

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March 24, 2008

The sick bug seems to be making its rounds. I sure hope he’s feeling better soon. Happy Easter!

March 24, 2008

I missed you!! I’m glad K had a good Easter before getting sick ;( {{{HUGS}}}