From A to Z

1. A is for age:
Didn’t your Mother ever tell you that it’s not polite to ask a woman her age?!?!  lol  I’m currently 31 but in like 36 hours or so that will change! 

2. B is for beer of choice:
I am not a beer drinker.  Which, growing up in WI, the land of beer and brats is a little sacrilegious.  lol  But the few times I have actually drank a beer I prefer Corona.

3. C is for career right now:
I’m a SAHM, that’s what I do.

4. D is for your dog’s name?
I’ve had a handful of dogs in my lifetime.  But the one I had the longest was named Cuddles.  I don’t have a dog now because DH isn’t much of a dog lover.

5. E is for essential item you use everyday:
Toilet paper!  lol

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
Don’t Forget the Lyrics, Reba, October Road, Little People Big World.  Just to name a few.

7. G is for favorite game:
I haven’t been playing it very much but I’m kinda liking The Sims 2: Castaways on the Wii.

8. H is for Home town:
Eau Claire, WI

9. I is for instruments you (wish you) play(ed):
I used to play the accordion. 

10. J is for favorite juice:
at the moment, anything with pomegranate.

11. K is for whose butt you’d like to kick:
I have to choose just one butt?  lol

12. L is for last place you ate:
Home.  I made some yummy Chinese tonight.

13. M is for marriage:
Been in one for almost 8 years now.

14. N is for your full name:
Cathy Della (D**** )T*****

15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
two, when I had my boys, for a total of 4 nights in my entire life.

16. P is for people you were with today:
my two boys, my husband, and for a short time during the middle of the day my son’s dr. 

17. Q is for quote:
"Those who say they sleep like a baby obviously do not have any!"  — unknown

18. R is for Biggest Regret:
I can’t think of a ‘regret’.  Everything happens for a reason so I guess you can’t regret the things that have happened to you because they all shape the person you are today.

19. S is for status:
Alive, married and happy.

20. T is for time you woke up today:
Just before 8 a.m.

21. U is for underwear you have on now:
I think they are forest green.  lol

22. V is for vegetable you love:
Green beans, fresh sweet corn on the cob, and broccoli

23. W is for worst habit:

24. X is for x-rays you’ve had:
wrists, ankles, knees, back, head, neck, chest, teeth, hand, foot.  I think that’s it, but I can’t remember for sure.  lol

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
the Chinese I made for dinner tonight.  Oh, and my guilty pleasure of the night was a Cadbury creme egg.  Yum!

26. Z is for zodiac sign:
Pisces.  Glub, glub!  lol

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March 5, 2008

I swiped this from you!! I love surveys!! Are you a night owl too??

March 6, 2008

oh man, I freakin’ love those cadaberry eggs!! MMM!!!