The Dance Lesson – 18 or older

     Jordan studied her movements in tedious detail, recognizing easily the failures of novice students of dance, in much of what she did, but kept her mouth shut and mind open to any positive re-enforcement she might be able to provide.  For a ‘new’ pupil, this was paramount.  Dance wasn’t born in a person, it was learned by repeated exercises.  In the process, with good fortune, one out of twenty aspiring females might show a niche for the graceful control necessary to go on beyond weekly lessons to make for herself a future on the stage.  With a light tap on her wrist that made it bend slightly down, her pupil shifted the position of her hand, the extension of her fingers and offered the hint of a smile in apology for already forgetting an earlier correction to her execution.  
     Jordan found her last appointment of the day, a very ardent pupil.  But, Lori was too tall for the stage, though.    She wasn’t Jordan’s usual student, a twelve year old bundle of nervous energy, armed with a stage mother.  Lori was seeking a less clumsy demeanor.  She carried her slender 5’11" body about with a lumbering walk that she felt made her seem less feminine, she thought.  Always the tallest girl, never beside a taller man and from her youth, the label of an awkward sort .. a klutz.   She’d decided to do something about it at 25 and follow a dream she alone kept knew, penned up inside.  She wanted to be as light and coordinated as the dancers she used to see in musical movies, as a child.  Any improvement would be a help was her mantra.  It was fortunate that Jordan was willing and had an hour free to give her lessons each week.
     Jordan was somewhat of a celebrity in their small Ohio town.  She was young and pretty, not much older than Lori, but she had performed, on the stage in New York City, and had studied at Julliard in dance.   Now, Jordan was marooned, after a speedy marriage to a local boy that robbed her of her career and ended in a broken heart of betrayal and abuse.  Jordan found recovery in local productions, not having the heart at the time to return to the city lights.  The pause cost her what little she had, but it would have been enough, if she had wanted it to be.  The emotional ride had thrown her life into chaos, though.   Her ex had left town for good and ‘good riddence!’ she felt.    She rented her class space three days a week, during off hours from a local ballroom dance studio, with the intention of saving for her comeback.  She was still flexible and talented at 28!   In the meantime, the town had embraced her.  She was a pert 5’6" beauty that proved rural Ohio could appreciate a stage play, if it’s female lead was a bouncy brunette with a penchant for theater and the dance.  When the time came to leave, eventually, Jordan knew there would be a dark side to it, because of that acceptance.  
     The eerie stillness of the large ballroom echoed Jordan’s instructions to Lori, who watched intently as Jordan demonstrated a new movement.  The floor was made of four inch planking laid end to end and side-by-side, like that of a yacht deck, smooth and polished bright.  It was a sizable room with a high ceiling and long narrow windows, arranged six feet off the floor to six feet from the ceiling, on the two longer walls; eight on each side, from which the warm bright glow of a mid morning sun streamed into the interior.  The smaller walls on each end were designed with an entrance at one end, from the steps and street outside, to a solid wall of mirrors on the back wall, which also had a 2 inch oak railing that spanned from one side to the other, four feet above the floor.   On this railing, Jordan had her left hand, as she spoke to Lori.  In a quick turn, she bent her body, turned her back to Lori, stretched her arms along the railing and swung her right leg up, to hook her barefoot, toes pointed, atop the rail.   With her chin up and her fingers delicately bent, as though holding a rose, she spoke into the mirror at Lori’s image to describe her position anchored by her pedestal limb, her foot twitching precariously to remain balanced.
     Lori examined her teacher’s pose, clad in black leotards and a black low necklined top that had 3/4 sleeves.  A tiny pleated skirt hung pointed towards the floor at her waist, but laid smooth over her firm rump.  As Jordan spoke of her hands and feet to outline how they should be displayed, when properly executed, Lori mentally recorded that all her nails were trimmed and polished in the same pale pink hue. A color not unlike the shade of a tongue.  Both hands and feet were articulated and delicate to behold.   She also followed the lines of Jordan’s physique,  capturing each angle to commit it to memory.  It would be her turn next, she thought.  Her belly hollowed at the idea, making her legs feel rubbery and weak.    She shook her hands and legs to loosen them up.  It was good that she’d worn her loose shorts with the elastic waistband and opted for a halter top midi tube, under a light, loose black silky shirt, all of which offered full body movement of her arms and legs. 
     In what Lori thought was a power move on Jordan’s part, she lifted her extended leg from the railing and brought it down.  Lori was far less in shape and considered the humiliation of getting herself caught on the bar somehow.   What if she hit the bar with her toe on the way up!  Her discernment must have radiated from her face as Jordan stepped aside, because in that moment she heard Jordan say.  "Don’t hurry with this move.  Your speed and precision will need to be developed. Take your time .. lift slowly .." she returned to her place before the bar .. "see how my foot is  not UNDER the bar, but in front of it?"  Her foot slowly came to rest on herinsole, atop the oak rail.
     "Mmhmm, I see" Lori said, understanding, filled with fresh confidence.   
    "Why don’t you just practice with your leg lift for now, until you feel comfortable with it" Jordan suggested, "then we’ll add another part of the move, one at a time."   Lori’s face relaxed into a sweet smile of relief.  Jordan was trained to know what to look for in a novice.  She remembered her own training. She knew Lori would be fine and impress herself, in time.
     As Jordan surveyed Lori’s movements, she began to feel an urge that confused her.  Her mind began to dissect this sensation that bled through her.  It felt familiar, yet foreign .. new, yet an old memory, forgotten.   She found her eyes darting to areas on Lori’s body that had nothing to do with how she was posed .. her hair, the fit of her clothing.   Her mind gathered these fragments to organize them in her head.  It seemed to begin with the mire size of the woman.  She cast her eyes up, when she spoke to Lori.  The position of her shoulders and chest, with relation to Jordan’s had at first made her feel very aware of her.  But, she’d dismissed it each time, without a care.  She wasn’t gay! 
     Lori worked hard against the rail to find the feeling of correctness to her moves that she had envisioned watching Jordan.  Seeing it and ‘feeling’ it were two different properties.  When Jordan had set her foot in place, what Lori saw, Jordan’s black leotards, resembled the arms of a clock at 2:30.  But, her own attempts must look more like 3:30!   "How am I doing?" she asked over her shoulder.  Jordan dropped her train of thought and studied Lori’s positioning.
     "Keep your leg straight.  You’re doing fine!" she said.  She watched Lori drop her leg and return it to the bar.   As she did so, Jordan’s scrutiny slid along the length of Lori’s long smooth leg to her shorts, that gaped slightly open.  A shock sliced through her and her face lit itself with a wild warmth.  "OMG!  .. I’m horny!" she thought.  "It’s been so long I forgot what temptation was!"  She burst into a giggle, knowing that the siege of her sexuality was coming to an end.  "That S.O.B. didn’t kill my sex drive afterall!"
     Lori found the laughter behind her unnerving.  "Do I look that ridiculous!" she thought to herself and dropped her leg from its mid air swing upward to the bar.  As she did this, she felt a piercing stab strike her groin and her hand grabbed the area in pain.  She limped twice from the railing and dropped painfully on her free hand and left knee to ease her drop to her rear on the floor.  When she heard Lori’s gasping ‘Oh!’, Jordan had turned back to her in time to see Lori press her hand to her right leg joint and moved quickly to the spot where Lori sat plopped on floor. 
     "What happened?" she asked Lori and kneeling before her.
     "I hurt my muscle, I think" Lori said, rubbing her pain from the spot in small circles.   Her right leg was straightened out in front of her and her left hand was propped behind her, holding her upright. 
     "Lemme do that!" Jordan said, taking over the first-aid massage from Lori, so she could relax and recouperate. 
     "I heard you laughing" Lori said between whimpering grunts, as Jordan rubbed her tender muscle lightly, slowly.  ".. that feels better" she added.
     "Oh, THAT!" Jordan began .. "I just had a thought, that’s all!  .. You didn’t think I was laughing at YOU, did you?!" asked Jordan and she rubbed the groin in larger circles.
     "Well .. yeah, I did" Lori admitted.  The massage began to sooth her some.  Jordan continued to rub her groin and looked up into Lori’s face, reversing the circles.
     "It was something else, Lori .. believe me" she said reassuring ..  then Lori’s mouth dropped open, her eyes focused on her ‘TLC’ area.   Jordan looked back to her hand, which was no longer on Lori’s upper panty line region, but had moved seductively close to Lori’s genital area.  Jordan looked back to Lori, who’s tongue licked the inside corner of her mouth.   Jordan looked at her face, changing colors ..  "Does that feel good?" .. Lori smiled quietly.  She wasn’t used to someone else touching her there.  Jordan felt the rush of hot blood flush her face and slid her fingers inside Lori’s panties, brushing the pliable Labia lightly from side to side, under her fingertips.   Her own genitals started feeling the sensation of a flood’s  overflow.  "How about this?" she teased, pressing her fingers on her swelling ‘bud’.  
     Lori’s eyes widened .. ‘uh-huh’ she barely whispered.  Jordan knew the die was cast.  She didn’t know Lori this well.  Neither were fighting the idea, but each waited for the other to stop it.  Jordan was getting wetter and hotter by the second, as was her protege.   Lori had begun to feel drenched and Jordan slipped her finger inside, an inch or so.  Lori gasped and heaved noticibly through her dry mouth.  This was all new to Jordan.   How many times had she wanted to pleasure herself, but the breakup had drained all she felt for anything sexual?  She had been imprisoned and this seemed like a luscious prison break .. a freedom of her flesh!   Girls weren’t her thing.  Maybe they were Lori’s!  Nahh, she’s just lonely.  Jordan moved a second finger into the wet orifice and pulled them back and forth, until Lori grimaced. 
     "Pleaseee!" Lori gasped.  Jordan felt her nipples pressing her clothing, bulging erect and ready to explode!  She shifted her weight and dropped her face to Lori’s lap.  Her fingers slipped free of Lori and hooked on her panties to pull them  aside, revealing Lori’s precious prize, gleaming red and agitated.  Lori felt the warm gust of Jordan’s sigh, before her phallic lips were washed with Jordan’s hot tongue which lapped at them, in lavished long licks.  "OMG!" she moaned in a breathless sigh.    Quickly, Lori felt the tremor rumbling in her thighs and they shook and trembled .. waiting to erupt!   Jordan sucked the soft clay of Lori’s womanhood into her mouth and played tag with them and her darting tongue.    She spit them out and licked them, then drew them again into her warm bathing mouth to seek out the berry on her vine to torment it.  Kisses were smeared hungrily along her juicy canal, with a suckling sound that made Lori’s heart bounce.  She now held her index finger on her panties to keep herself exposed and fell deliciously into a selfish bliss of pleasure and passion.
     Losing her control, Lori had dropped on her back, pressing her shoulders to the rich wooden floor.   She arched her back and endured the rev-ing whine of nerves that raced up and down her spine and curved it concave.  When Jordan yanked her panties under her rear and over her knees, she managed somehow to free them from her left ankle.  They stayed draped on her right and  her hands found Jordan’s soft long brown hair in it’s ponytail.   She buried her fingertips in it to help them hold on to their seats for her earthquake, popping and spitting it’s heat in her belly.   Jordan knew she was striking the heart of Lori’s anvil, when her thighs parted wide to give her greater room for her shoulders to slide between them.  Now she latched to Lori’s worn dark clitoris, plump and round, before she shook her head violently.  She heard Lori’s hand slap on the floor, then an escalating volley of "OMG’s" echoed one after another in the great hall.  Only a scream here and again broke into her ecstatic writhing frenzy, as though a shrill reloaded her throat for another round of profanity.  Then, Lori’s legs slammed shut hard against Jordan’s shoulders and she knew it was ending.  A great silence with  the hug of her long limbs, melted to Jordan, signaled the intense deepest realm of Lori’s lust.   When her legs relaxed, opened and still on the floor, save a jerk or a shiver in the center of her thighs, when she tried to move .. Jordan moved slowly up her sweating, half attired torso and met Lori’s rasping dry mouth with her own.  Then in silence, they rested. 


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October 1, 2007

Very well written!! I love to read your entries, they’re always so intense and captivating.

October 1, 2007

yaaaaay…this one was well done dande ^_^…it seems like you may have some traditional dance background…

October 3, 2007

Gee… I’d like dance lessons.

January 5, 2008

Stumbled upon your diary and, my, I am glad I did. 😉