SEXual TRIVIA .. Edit

 1.  Upon ejaculation, the sperm of the average male, travels at what speed?
 2.  Both male and female human beings, undergo what bodily contortion, in the moments, just before and during, an orgasm?
 3.  ‘Squirting Orgasms’ in females is, actually urine.  T/F
 4.  Orgasms, during masturbation and fornication,  are the same? 
 5.  Are the same senses (of our five senses) as stimulating to males and females alike,  sexually?
 6.  Human beings are monogamous in nature?
 7.  Men only think of sex, it’s ALL they want.  T/F
 8.  All Women want is money? 
 9.  Men are born cheaters.  T/F 
10.  Men have morning erections, for sexual reasons.  T/F
     Looking back on these questions, I feel I’ve made this very simple ..
 1.  The ejaculating sperm of the average male travels at 28 mph.
 2.   If you have the where with all, check this out next time.  Orgasms cause the toes (and fingers to a lesser extent) to curl.
 3.   The correct answer is FALSE.  The fluid actually comes out of her urethra and does
contain traces of urine.  A female may feel the need to urinate, before ejaculation.

Many people who experience a squirting orgasm think that this liquid is URINE, or even vaginal lubrication, but studies of this fluid ejaculated through the urethra have shown a different chemical composition than urine…it’s clear, and if you actually smell it, you’ll find that it doesn’t smell like urine at all!   (doesn’t smell like anything at all really).
 4.  Again, FALSE.  Although the body engages in the same processes and comparative stimuli  to achieve orgasm, in masturbation the ‘pleasure factor’ is not as intense.  The brain uses less criteria to achieve the same result.  It IS a mating ritual that requires another to be fully appreciated. However, a good dildo will usually overrule a poor partner.
 5.   No.   Women are more aroused by smell than men.  Men, on the other hand, are more aroused by sight.   Both are affected by touch, taste and sound.  However, women do have an edge in the ‘what they hear’ category.  But, don’t rule men out on that!  What men hear is a form of grading system and encourages them.  Women also, but they warm more completely to audible expressions of love and acceptance, whispered to them.
 6.  No.  It’s a hard fact to face, but we are a ‘reasoning’ animal.  We can think and sort and create change.  Society (which is all of us) has enacted rules of behavior and spent millions (billions!) to encourage us to conform to a pattern of relationships.  Still we break free of that conformity, fantasize and violate these ‘imposed’ restrictions and find ourselves guilt ridden and depressed; to say nothing of the havoc that’s wreaked in the process!   This is not to say that we aren’t supposed to be made up of  couples and intimate unions.   It’s to say that these are conditions that are not innate in us over a lifetime, under the term ‘by nature’.   We DO NOT wither and die, with the death or loss of a sexual partner, as in other lesser species.
 7.  FALSE.  Men jump the gun in relationships, because they are wired to procreate at all cost.  THIS is a another example of Nature vs. Society.  Just as women are wired to be caretakers for the sake of the next generation, men are wired to initiate it.  ‘Society’ would link this to bad behavior, without any mention of propagation of the species.  Believe me, many of our (men) fantasies are based on reversing the roles of men and women .. making women the predator that is sexually ravenous.  Threesomes, for example .. with one man and two women.  It has very little to do with being gluttonous  .. and everything to do with feeling needed, desired.   There’s a KEY to getting and keeping a man.  He ventures more readily, if he’s led to believe he’s not needed or worthless.  The ‘other woman’ makes him feel like a KING!   It’s not that you’re unattractive, it’s you’re not adoring.   It’s not that you’re ‘old hat’, it’s that you no longer feel you need to understand his needs, his motivations.  But, it’s still HIS job to navigate yours.  If you adore him and reward him, he’ll stay put.  As Paul Newman was constantly quoted, since being asked why he didn’t cheat on his wife, actress Joanne Woodward, at the height of his fame and popularity .. "Why buy hamburger, when you have steak at home?"  His comment said as much about her, as it did him. Probably more!
 8.  NO.  Although money may render safety and security in a woman’s mind.   It doesn’t satisfy her heart.   It won’t buy her happiness, but it will give her comfort.  
 9.  Not true .. refer to #7 and #8.   A percentage of both men and women are guilty of cheating on a mate.  There isn’t a kink in our natures that makes us unfaithful.  However, the purpose that our natures give us, make men more likely than women to stray.  Both genders want to be happy and fulfilled.  Whether its timing in your life, poor judgment in themate selection process or circumstances in general, you BECOME unfaithful.  It isn’t born into you, it’s bred.
10.  TRUE.  We aren’t just needing to ‘go’ and it’s rude to consider that.  Keep the thought to yourself.  A man’s testosterone count is highest, after he rests.  He often gets an erection, after a nap as well.  It has to do with sleeping and body restoration.   If you couple the fact that all of us dream with a sexual edge to them, as a matter of again .. restoration .. the realignment of our ‘Id’ for the challenges of our conscious life, it’s better understood as an opportunity for sex.   The necessity of needing to go to the bathroom is an element of the digestive system~ the erection is BEST explained in my first note note (below) from someone who shares my bed often and though anon. here, surrenders an unbelievable  orgasm!  So glad you’re still checking in from time to time.

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men have morning erections due to strong parasympathetic stimulation when they r in a very relaxed state, such as during sleep, which would increase the blood flow to the penis to cause erection. morning erections need not be for sexual reasons.