I was feeling SO sexy .. damn it!

     There’s an ‘irony’ existing among us of late, in the methods our citizenry expresses itself on the issue of Impropriety. Although there IS a second, more thin skinned element to these rival news stories, Racism and Patriotism, my call is that they’re both horses running in the same race and should be digested with the same concern for our basic RIGHT of Free Speech.  This is not privilege and it’s necessary to a free society.
     The ‘irony’?  Don Imus and Rosie O’ Donnell.  These are long standing icons of comedy and commentary.  Both are somewhat loose-lipped on the issues, stated from a personal viewpoint without any social responsibility to those who have another opinion.  In fact, I think they’re outrageous remarks are to stir up the soup; win the minds of opposing thought, more than endorse the ideas of like-minded listeners.  Howard Stern falls into their school of entertainment on still another level of what’s humorous and enjoyable. But, he’s not part of this .. yet.  As long as we respect the rights, our forefathers set forth, for our survival as a nation, there isn’t a reason to sit here  .. thinking.
     You may not see that these trials are branches growing on the same tree, but I know they are.  Every American has the right to speak as crudely and close minded as they care to.  That’s the same right that affords the rest of us (in disagreement) to turn it off, turn away from it or stand on the other corner and enlighten the other side of the issue, for the sake of fairness, if nothing else.  I’m offended, but I’m certain our Bill of Rights was conditional, as far as  ‘responsibility’ is concerned, but that wasn’t made into Law. Responsibility fell into the ‘Common Sense’ and ‘.. for the Common Good’ areas of intellectual thought.   It’s (again) a privilege to be so,  and not an obligation ..  to secure our liberties, outlined in the whole document.
     Personally, I found Imus’ inappropriate remarks, detestable .. uncalled for .. irresponsible and insensitive. I don’t think he’s a closet racist or a white power activist. I think he was too comfortable and secure in his position with his sponsors and listeners.  I don’t think he fears being offensive, which has made him and a lot of others wealthy. That’s a classic Howard Stern behavior. Obviously, Imus has a huge following, but I suspect, many of his loyal fans probably turned him off (or grimaced in disbelief), when his comment touched their nerve.  A lot of heads shook on automatic, following that remark, I’m sure. 
     I don’t think he needs to defend his character, as he has, so defiantly lately. The world he started broadcasting in has changed. So, perhaps he’s outdated and been so busy, he’s kept up with events, using a slide rule that hasn’t been measuring attitudes.  His charity outside of the box he lives in daily, demonstrates his belief system. Perhaps, it’s not HIS racism, but the glaring mirror of racism that his critics look into and judge they’re own, continuously, without a thought to be held accountable to ANY one.  ‘WE’RE DEPRIVED’  The rap music of the black culture has done more to educate others on how they view their social world. That doesn’t make their own labels exclusive to them or the G.W. Carver estate would have the licenses on all things ‘peanut’ to this day.  Here, nor there .. his statement, esp. in jest .. was wrong.  
     As for Rosie, the Tom Selleck ‘ambush’ SHOW’, sealed her coffin for me and I could care less how she lives her life or with whom, beyond the interest of being included in what’s going on.   I’m not homophobic and believe happiness is made within each of us. It’s not pursued, but perceived, and isn’t conditional on a goal, dream or person.  These things .. beings/conditions, render ‘Joy’, not happiness.  Joy is fleeting and incidental, depending on the circumstances.  Happiness is long standing and found in our own hearts. It’s the ‘fuel’ that nurtures ambition and grandfathers success.
     Anyway!  Rosie .. loud, belligerent and bossy.  She’s intelligent, spontaneous .. but mindful of someone that doesn’t think before they speak.  I think she’s well-meaning, but short-sighted.  Her critics are rallying against the ‘911 conspiracy’ theory she’s been promoting.  The Twin Towers were not only hit by enemy airplane missiles, that killed REAL individuals, but needed to be bombed from within ‘ ..to fall the way they did.’    It’s an attempt to blur the concept that our country is at war. It discredits our leadership and suggests that this conflict was conjured up. It’s not unlike promoting that the Holocaust was myth, created by American Jews .. or that Jesus was too human to also be Divine and had a mistress, then wife and family .. a TOMB!
     Critics feel her remarks are unpatriotic.  Coupled with her constant bickering with other ‘View’ members, as well as visible celebrities and her personal views, cited freely .. irresponsibly to the audience, as a whole .. she should be ‘dead meat’.  To that end, they (critics) are promoting a boycott of the sponsor’s products, which support the program, because it’s a form of endorsement of Rosie’s opinions. Her own ‘bombs’ are going off, as I write this.  It’s a more ‘American’ way of expressing dissent, but it’s being directed to destroy her, a human being.

     I have to admit, that I’m not a fan of any of the three public persona I’ve listed here.  If I were forced to listen to them, I might find merit in SOMETHING being said, but I’m free to choose. I like the idea of doing things, like that.   I don’t listen to their programs, because I’ve given each of them a chance to entertain me.  At some point, I’ve had enough and move on to something more interesting.  With loss of that RIGHT in mind, because other’s take issue with her and want her miserable .. remember, if a robot technology is toever become a REAL possibility .. a threat to our IN-dependence .. it will happen, if we insist on becoming a mindless society, free of debate, with only one view of ourselves and the issues. It’s unavoidable. 
     I worry about such things, when citizens can form a mob and use their organization to make the majority, the rest of us, live with their will, to our peril. Why should the Rosie’s, Imus’ and Stern’s be hung .. eradicated .. fired,  from view again?  .. because diversity applies only to you?  .. because you are smarter, more rightous? .. because the ‘other’ guy is the reason YOU are WHERE you are?
     When your boat gets a hole in it, do you repair it or throw it out and wait for another to float your way?  It sounds like you respect the authority of the ‘hole’, rather than the integrity of the boat.  Where IS your respect? You can’t solve problems this way, without changing more than the complaint.  But, we live in a bountiful country that will allow you to do just that and survive. A country with a belief system that gives you a chance to find a hand extended to pull you out of the jam you’re in and help you on your way. What kind of country are you working to make?   Something petty and self serving, it sounds like to me. Roll up your sleeves and use your resources, your options!   Stop destroying the opportunity to create effective change by burning bridges with finger wagging, before execution.    

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April 12, 2007

interesting title for this entry ^_~… oh, and I got a call back for the job… 2nd interview was today…it went ok… there’s another preview for you ^_^.

April 12, 2007

RYN: well…you know that I live in GA full time now ^_~…

April 17, 2007

“one may fall in love with you in a handshake.” too bad most of the people in the office are older women…I only saw maybe 4 men in the office…^_^