.. in response to REAL women

Today, I was compelled to add commentary from my last entry, because I received such a great and varied reaction to it.    One, in particular, touched me in an uncomfortable way, meaning I felt I needed to say more.  I set out to do just that .. privately .. on her diary and realized my note actually spoke to a larger audience.  It IS only my opinion, but I want to share it.

RYN: If your perception is that the reason we have runways is to promote sexuality and gender definition based on the model and not the dress, you make a sound argument for women to be so critical of themselves. However, the maker of the dress is displaying his ‘creation’ in a manner that’s better than a hanger, because it’s given depth and form. The ‘show’ is for the clothing.

Have you noticed that the obesity and anorexic attention is female driven? Women critiquing women, while men grow fatter with less attention to physiques and fitness. Critics blame the ‘man’who designed the outfit. Men created bras, girdles and such, so THEY’RE the culprits. The ‘critics’ are women. In reality, women like competing. The truth is, a woman naked or scarsely attired is sexy, no matter her shape. It’s her confidence in herself that’s alluring. Women are losing that art of being female where relationships are concerned. Submission is a dirty word. In their crusade to be Wonder Woman, they’ve suffocated Superman. Men need to feel useful, that’s all.  Why should we applaude unfit bodies and lazy habits? Is this the new sexuality? The renaissance again? This is pondersome/incomplete.xxD

[Dandytyme]  [p]

A footnote~ The REAL culprit is youth. We strive to return to our larva stage throughout our lives, rather than respect the maturity factor of our species. Our societal focus is centered on sex, vitality and fertility. The signs are all around us .. plastic surgery, the pill, under 30 advertizing. A lesson to advertizers would be to only let the under 30’s buy the products. That’s NOT going to happen.

We need to accept ourselves for what we’re becoming at every age and stop trying to give our youth more authority than our maturity. Sex dies, if you murder it with unrealistic expectations, not unlike running or any other physicalness. Stop hugging and you won’t get many kisses. Stop loving and you lose friends, hobbies .. the joys of being human. Stop watching and start DOING. Do what feels good and stop ambushing your own potential for success, because ‘she’s too thin’ or ‘pretty’ or ‘young’. Screw HER. SELL YOU. YOU aren’t sexy? That’s just not true. It’s YOUR life. If you want to capture any PART of HER, recall your own zeal when YOU were her. Remember you WERE .. and still ARE. You just aren’t as frivilous, flighty and careless. Be more touchable, hottie. xxD

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November 9, 2006

Actually, a woman invented the modern bra. It was an improvement on the corset. I’ve always thought that was interesting.

November 12, 2006

I have what may be an absurd whim. My home is in GA when I am not in college. If you live in the metro Atlanta area, would you like to meet up for coffee over Christmas break? I would like to meet you and talk to you for real. It could be interesting ^_~…Think about it.

November 13, 2006

I completely agree. Completely. I am very comfortable with my naked self at 40 — I KNOW I’m hot. And I’m far from perfect. Part of knowing I’m sexy is how I perceive “other women” — I don’t judge them as I judge myself. A little roll? No issue. Some sag? That’s natural. She’s still gorgeous. And that’s helped me accept MY BODY. Aging is a good thing.

November 13, 2006

happy birthday 🙂 and thanks :p …nice..lip picture? lol

November 23, 2006

PS — It’s ok if the answer is no ^_^.

June 15, 2007

i am ecstatic reading this entry! LOL this is great! i wish ppl woudln’t get so caught up in hollywood bullsh*t..i agree with your note you posted…it reallyis about the clothes…besides..isn’t it obvious?? those girls LOOK like HANGERs. who is actually attracted to them? they’re not .they’re attracted to glamour.