Hmmm ..


     ..could we rest against each other, married so well, in such unison that yours and mine, though independent, appeared as ONE?   Romance sealing our heaving doors and EROS bridging our southern shores ..  

  .. when time has it’s way with us and EROS runs rosy, you need to know that I will stay with you, usher you higher, carry you through, send you before me and follow closely, hand-in-hand led by you ..


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April 24, 2006

beautimus.*random noter*

The 1st picture has captured my heart. I’d luved to have been there in that moment of time. Yr words fit perfectly. I want to hold yr hand…. U invoke so much feeling in me from yr entries, I try & return the feeling but sometimes I feel as if my words r failing to impart how intensely I feel. Ty 4 sharing the picture 🙂

I’ve saved it & its now on my bckground. Hope u don’t mind. Ty Ty Ty ((hugs)) cause u constantly surprise me & cause I want to 😉

April 24, 2006

I loved this dear. *HUGS*

May 2, 2006


May 3, 2006

mmm, beautiful colors! YeahI’ve been lax about reading lately. I’m catching up