Wakes…Funerals… Do you HAVE to go?

well a good friend of mine passed away on Saturday… ( at least that is when i found out about it) and i dont know how i feel… Im so sad about her passing… really torn up about it…but the wake is today and im scared to go…i dont understand why im scared…other then it becoming a realization that death is real… I know that i have to at least show my face…. Ive sent flowers…and im sending cards to each person in her family…. but as i sit here and type this… im getting more and more nervous… What do you say to the loved ones left behind… how do you act…do you ball your eyes out…or do you try and carry yourself until you leave….  im so confused….

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September 1, 2010

act the way you feel is right at the time. you might need to be strong to help them not completely fall apart, or you might need to let go yourself 🙂