So tomorrow.

My mother, lil sister and I will be going to greensville to pick up her money or watever…..Not really into going to much. My lil sister has all this stuff planned to do lol. I’ll probly be like hell no. But I’ll probly still do it *sigh*. She is gonna try to make me try sex in a cup a type of drink which she refuses to tell me wat is in it. You sopposedly get it in sheetz. And she wantz me to meet some of her friends ..*dreads* not really into meeting them. Not saying their bad or anything lol. Hopefully it wont be so bad.

Shish does my lil sister complain alot. Bored this bored that not my fault you can’t walk the streets at night in ohio…So all I gotta say is deal with it. You gotta give things a chance and she cant seem to do that. It is rather annoying trait of hers that i wish she would work on..Grrr probly wont happen anyways. Well im off to try to entertain myself it seems because I dont know what to do rite now lol. 

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RYN: Glad to know I’m not alone! XD Anime rocks! XD *thumbsup!*