
Well couple hours ago took a four mile walk totally enjoyed it. Then decided to mow the lawn. Not a very good idea if you hadn’t eaten or drinken anything pretty much all day. So lesson number one eat something before you go for a walk and then mow the lawn. WHICH as to say I didn’t do and on top of that i didn’t sleep either in the past two nights before haha so im beat hopefully ill fall asleep hehe anyway hope everyone has a great night. 

P.S. forgot to mention previously in my other entries I was talking about going to Hawaii well it’s a done deal i’m totally going haha. Im so scared and excited. YAY. Just waiting to know the exact day hehe when I get to torture him 🙂

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May 14, 2011

RYN: I was watching them on this one website, they had all 6 seasons up, but last month they all got pulled down. Lemme see if they’re back up. http://watchseries.eu/serie/xena:_warrior_princess A lot are still down, but some are up 🙂

May 15, 2011

ryn: Thx for the advice. Taken…he’s deleted 🙂 oooo hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go there, but i’ve heard its like mad expensive. good luck with it 🙂

May 15, 2011

ryn: I keep trying =/ and May 4th is my B-day too =]

May 15, 2011

Thanks for visiting my diary and your note. I like your front page layout with the twinkling stars. Real cool. Take care 🙂

May 16, 2011

ryn: I try! its a bit better today so far =]