An Okay Christmas to Becoming Fun
Well Christmas was okay for me. It wasnt as fun as it used to be since my grandmother passed away. I miss her. Well I have been living with my older sister. She kinda gave me the impression that she thought that i didnt appreciate anything that she got me.itasnt that i didnt appreciate what she got me but i feel she lied to me. She promised to get me a digital camera. And she said she had well she didnt which then i assumed she lied to me. She got me a camcorder that is also able to take photos but it wasnt good at all. I tried it out and it was not working to well. When i asked to take it back she said no. So really that didnt bother me just her lying to me did. She complained earlier to me that she spent like close to 300 dollars on me and my sister and barely on her kids. Her finacee told me they did that so not to make me think they were paying more attention to the kids. So i decided to give them one of my gift cards i got from a friend. It had 100 dollars on it so they could buy more gifts for the kids. But before i did that i told them to only buy me the digital camera and i was told that she did. Then i told her not to buy me anything else. I thought that was enough you know. I feel like i am being used by them like i’m only their for the money. She gets money for me to stay with her. So its not like i’m just staying their for free. Her finacee makes me feel as i’m a burden. He told me month ago that he thought that i was ungratefull and that he worked his but off for the family. They get enough money for me to stay with them so really he isnt doing anything for me. I’m gratefull for my sister but i just dont like her finacee to much. He can be nice sometimes but is meaner most times. I mean like him but i also dont like him. I know thats confusing. I do give him credit for working many hours. But really hes doing that to support the three kids he has and my sister. I know my money is helping them to.
Tylers house feels like more of a home to me than me living with my older sister and her family. I mean i love my sister and my nephews and niece i just dont know how to go about explaining how i feel to her. Like that i feel like i’m a burden living with them. Sometimes it feels like home but most times it doesnt. She tries i know but i think its to hard on her because she has three kids that she takes care of. I just dont know i’m just confused i guess.I’ll figure it out adventually.
Well anyway at Tylers it was fun. I was with friends. Tylers mom is like my own mom i love her to death. And i love tyler’s brothers to death. It was so much fun being with them LOL! also one of my other friends came over tylers lol it was fun being with her and her mom. We all exchanged gifts I loved everything i got.