Eh. I guess I’ll write again.

Yep. You convinced me. Yes. YOU. You personally. No I will not specify.

So what’s on the horizon these days. Well obviously I covered a good deal in my last entry and this one won’t be nearly as exciting or ADHD-riddled. Hopefully, anyway. Ah who am I kidding LOOK A FLOWER

So. I had to flunk myself out of my security training because my STUPID GAY JERKWORK wouldn’t let me come in a few measly hours late. I find it tremendously ironic that a place that is relying on a limited resource is depriving it of the use of said resource in the future. I guess that’s modern business for you. I really want to take a business class just to see how this shit ends up happening. Maybe all the Managers and CEOs of the world are Buddhists and believe solely in living in the “now”? Hmm. But they’re supposed to renounce attachment. WOOP WOOP A BOOK bookbookbookbookbookbook

Speaking of books… I went back to Chapters again. 🙁 Woe is me. I have a problem. I need to go to Chapters Anonymous or something. Found another book that looks awesome. I can’t remember the exact title but it actually has “Epic” right there in the fucking title of the book. And it is, indeed, epic. It discusses the technical, physical, procedural, and bureaucratic hurdles overcome to successfully land the first men on the moon. I read 8 pages and ever since I’ve been unable to get the phrase “six million pounds” out of my head – the weight of the land-crawler used to transport the Saturn V. SIX MILLION POUNDS fuck yes. That is, indeed, epic. WHO LIKES SOCKS!?!?!? I DO I DO no i dont

My buddy said he’s looking for someone to admin his site full-time in a few months. He told me the pay and it’s pretty reasonable. Working from home doing slack-as-fuck online admin shit would be pretty sweet. The timing is amusing because I was considering leaving my job after A CERTAIN LARGE EVENT………………… google dont crawl this ok thanks.

It’s funny. I have literally never printed a resume for a job. They just keep landing in my lap. My mom got me my first temp job in the summer which I did full-time for years after high school, then my brother got me a job, then I came back and a friend got me a job (which I literally started the day after he mentioned it to me), and now another friend is just… handing a job to me on a platter.

Life owns.

Oh yeah, I also got my friend to pre-order me a copy of Bad Company 2 fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes fuckyesfuckyesfyfyfyfyfyfyfy…. gonna shottie some bitches. Unfortunately recommended specs say Intel 2 quad core processor and mine’s only a dual core… I smash, without remorse, all the other system requirements but alas my 4-going-on-5 year old CPU is gonna have to bite the dust soon. Whatever. I’m just playing the beta for now, I’ll just put everything on minimum.


You don’t need high FPS to blow up buildings with a tank FUCK YESSSSS

What else what else. Oh yeah, I gotta buy some running shoes ’cause I’d… well actually I’m not sure. I just need some decent shoes. I have a good pair of dress shoes and a pair of black airwalks that my heels seem to be burrowing a hole through, so I gotta replace them with something that has a cushioned heel because apparently my heels are made of whatever the shoe-equivalent of Kryptonite is.

And… and the shoes are Superman.

See, ’cause the shoes are like, weak against…….

Well anyway, also I have to go around finalizing plans for my birthday. Ohhhh it’s gonna kick so much ass.

Okay peace out knee grows!

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