
Does anybody have as much trouble titling their entries as I do? I don’t know why I haven’t asked this earlier but I must spend like a good 30 seconds sometimes trying to figure out something to put in that title and they all come out so lame! Okay whatever, anyway moving on.

So I haven’t posted an entry for over two months. That’s a long time, even for me. I just have had literally nothing to update with but things so minor that they’re barely worth bringing up in conversation, yet making a post about it. However, it’s 5:17 AM and I have been bored and doing basically nothing for about two hours now and I was sitting at my favorites page for about 10 minutes so hell, I may as well post something and hopefully I’ll inadvertently end up writing something interesting or, even, funny.

Oh oh, I can get the interesting part out of the way right off the bad by mentioning a video I watched a little while ago. I was watching a video from Tedtalks ( on this crazy new technology that somehow manipulated how your computer views images and deals with pixels so that you could view vast, vast amounts of data on your screen at the same time. Some examples of things it could do were you could zoom out and you’d see this tiny little image of a bunch of colums in a row, and then he zoomed in zoomed in zoomed in and you could eventually see it was text, and each column was a chapter from some book by Dickens.

These columns were only a part of one picture and scrolling out far enough would allow you to view dozens and dozens of pictures in a grid you could easily navigate. It was like having a folder of thumbnails except you could quickly zoom into any of the thumbnails to full scale and AUGH it was crazy.

In fact

So you can watch it yourself. It was pretty cool. I also watched a video about feet.

Anyway, so yeah about myself. Hmm, well the job is going alright. We haven’t had a lot of issues lately except the last time I was there we had about 3 fights and I had to three dudes out multiple times each. It’s amazing how you can get kicked out and 5 minutes later come in with a different shirt and you’ll be back in.

Also a combination of my job and reading internet forums has basically turned me into the world’s most rampant misanthropist. I think the current motto for our household (myself and my two roommates) is, “This is shit. Everything is shit.”

Oh, speaking about the roommate situation, in our moving we swapped one of our roommates out for someone else and so far it’s going pretty well. Our senses of humor and interests align pretty well and it’s been a couple of months and nobody has had any signs of having a problem with anybody else. Promising. Also one of my roommates just switched jobs and he’s making more than double he was before and making more money is always a good thing in inter-roommate relationships.

I’d like to add to that in saying that I’m saving money faster than I have before in a long time. So that’s good… although I have to deal with all the bills associated with my amazing exploding cellphone and that is going to cost me a number of the Benjamins.

In related news, work is giving me about double the shifts it was before. Don’t get me wrong, more money is great, but I was doing fine on what I was making before and it was really my intention to have most of my time off during summertime so that kinda sucks but then again I guess summer is probably dying down now too. That sucks, we only had like one month of summer. Fuck! Yes I just realized this now.

What else, what else… oh, I tried buying those lactase pills from the pharmacy nearby and holy crap they work amazingly! I chugged a gallon of milk yesterday with no ill effects whatsoever. I am going to abuse the FUCK out of these things (though it’s $20 for a box of 40 tablets and that’s pretty gay. 50 cents a tablet? God damn!)

Gym has been really, really crappy lately to be perfectly honest. For some reason the last six months or so, every time I go to the gym I’ve felt extremely nauseous near the end for about an hour or two. It really destroyed my motivation to go because every time I went I knew I was going to feel horribly ill afterwards. I wonder if I was training too hard (a problem that to me seemed inconceivable). Well anyway, I’ve cut the amount of volume I do down to about 1/3 and just started going more often and we’ll see how that goes.

Like always, I’ve done a lot of reading and experimenting in the last little while trying to find just what works for me the best and keep going back to things I was doing near the beginning. Hah! I just realized that by listening to how my body acts I’ve inadvertently fallen into doing monthly cycles of intensity over the past couple of years. I think what I’m going to do is finally commit 100% to making a monthly training plan and sticking to that. Hmm, could prove interesting.

Anyway that’s enough for today. I’ll be around!

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