Oh yeah, I forgot…

Ah, I neglected to mention that my shift at work on Wednesday was a level of retawded that defies correct spelling. Not only was it packed as FUCK which is weird for a Wednesday, but since it was packed, we were massively understaffed. I ended up having to do two doorman positions at the same time, watching the stairs and an entire side of the bar by myself. That was fun (read: hectic and tiring).

Not only that, but the police and gang squad and shit came in. Apparently there was a bomb threat or something. Ultimately though, it worked in our favor, because about a third of the people left after a squad of police were running around checking everyone’s ID’s. Hmmm, interesting.

And a fight broke out too. It was weird, these two guys were bitch-slapping at each other and I broke it up, but they said that the guy who started it had left (which was strange — if he left, why would they be fighting?) and another doorman that has been there longer than I have said we could let them stay. Err, not because the guy that started it left, obviously, but because when they were broken up and I started telling them both they were getting kicked out, they suddenly became nice real quick and started shaking hands and shit. It was pretty humorous actually.

God, I love drunk people. Except when they try to share their horribly misogynistic ideals with me but they’re too drunk to actually form real words so I can’t tell what the fuck they’re talking about and they’re distracting me.

Also best line of the night: “Whash day you guysh got losh?”

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