That’s my new, politically correct way of saying “Sweet Jesus!”

Seriously. I think all of my favorites have updated since my last entry except two or three, one of which most likely doesn’t even visit this site anymore. Kudos on you! Or perhaps boo to me for taking almost a month and a half between entries. I’m not very good at this, I’ll admit it.

You know something else I’m not good at? Maintaining regular sleeping habits when I don’t actually have a reason for it. Ugh. I guess I’m going to have to go through the whole story…

Basically, my brother and I have been working on the very last few bits of a couple of projects recently. Well, not recently anymore, but recently at the time. Well, he left for Kelowna and had me continue working on said projects. Well, I had to get there with a friend of his who I was “showing the ropes” to because they’re seriously out in the middle of nowhere.

This and that goes wrong, scheduling conflicts and issues like that, and the fact that there’s almost nothing left to do has basically had me start looking around for a different means of employment. I have a decent amount of emergency cash lying around at the moment so I can afford to bum around for a bit… (at least I would if he’d pay me the two grand he owes me).

In any case, so I have been raising the bar for ultimate laziness, going to bed later and later and waking up correspondingly late. Two days ago I was awake from 4:00 PM until noon the next day, went to bed until 7:00 PM, and now here I am at 4:39 AM writing this. It’s just how it’s been going. I go to bed when I’m tired, know’m sayin’? Of course, I imagine I’d be a lot more tired if I was actually doing something. On the upside, I did learn to do some pretty nice lines in MSPaint. Some of you may recall my MSPaint done quite a while ago with a skeleton dude, flaming skull, castle in the background… I think there was a jet too? The lines are pretty terrible because drawing with a mouse is hard… unless you know the trick… then it comes out like THIS:

Awww yeah. Note that’s my first try, I’m still practicing with getting the hang of it. Whatever.

This is what happens when you’re awake at 4:00 AM.

Oh wait, I was talking about something wasn’t I? So anyway, a friend of mine asked me to help prepare him for football or something. I can’t remember anymore. So he and I went to the gym and blah blah not the important part. The important part is that I was talking about how much of a Superslacker I was being and he said that he could probably get me a job bouncing at a club downtown. He bounces there and his brother, who I went to highschool with and was on good terms with, is the shift manager. Very interesting… and you know. He makes about forty bucks an hour with tips some nights. So I wouldn’t mind doing that at all.

I was totally addicted to a couple of videogames recently, but thanks to being such a bum lately I’ve overplayed them so badly that I don’t even want to play them anymore. Problem solved!

I have nothing more to report other than the roommate situation has been going faaaiiirly well. We all get along quite swimmingly, if I do say so myself. We just have to work out a better way of distributing the chores, like a chore wheel or something, because honestly it generally ends up being like one person doing all of one particular type of chore, and between me, my one roommate who is a pretty big guy if you catch my drift and my other roommate who plays rugby, we generate a crapload of dishes. Like, the sink is literally overflowing with dishes, dishes on the stove, etc, and we do them like twice a day.

Okay I’m spent.

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