Another short one…

Actually… I just recently realized that every entry you write doesn’t have to be a huge monstrosity. Sometimes it’s good just to write down your thoughts for the day. With this revelation may come a slightly more tangible presence from yours truly.

In any case, I haven’t much time as my ride is here to pick me up in ten minutes. I just thought I’d catch up a little. I’ve moved my things into my new place, which is great, and my roommates and I seem to be getting together edit: getting ALONG together even better than I could have imagined. If it weren’t for our staggered schedules we’d probably be in constant, if not utterly pointless, conversation and laughter. It’s a good sign. Also the place hasn’t devolved into a tornado-esque mess in the last week or so either. I’m in awe, I really am.

I’ve also noticed a disturbing propensity lately for people to talk to me endlessly about the same thing. Please, people. I’ve limited time to talk. Any longer than 90 seconds and I’m itching to run off. I’m starting to get short with people now. Not in an angry way, just literally short.

“Haha yeah that’s funny listen I gotta go talk to ya later okay *click*”

Whatever. Everyone I talk to with any regularity knows how ridiculous it is right now anyway. Between moving, gym, and work, I rarely get home before 8-10. In fact, I’m going to be two hours late for my own housewarming party tonight, haha. Unfortunately I’ve been “moving” for about a week now so I don’t think I’m going to be able to use that excuse for much longer. I have just had literally no time to unpack my things. Yet. Anyway, I’ll leave this here and run along.

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