Gon’ Git Innerupted.

The impression I get is that it’s been ridiculously long since I’ve updated. To be 100% honest I haven’t even been on the site at all for… well, basically since my last entry. I’ve been just… STUPIDLY busy, never getting home before 10, 10:30, and a couple times as late as 8am… every day.

So. Sooo much has happened. Halloween was a blast. My buddy and I spent about eight hours making ridiculously awesome robot costumes and we did a bunch of stuff and went downtown and we couldn’t even walk a single block without strangers stopping us and taking their photo with us and it was basically the closest to rockstars I’ll ever get most likely and also I’m moving back to Vancouver full-time and me and two other friends all got a SUPER SWEET place and I think we’re supposed to be painting it tonight but I’m not going to be able to make it because I’m so busy which sucks because I’d like to have a hand in it and also the landlord asked if I wanted to do the stone on her fireplace and registration for school is being a huge pain in the ass and oh yeah I’m registering for school and basically I have to go now but I’ll try and update later okay bye!

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