Forgivaness, please!

Okay, I don’t think it’s necessary to mention that I’m being very sporadic with my entries. So, aside from what’s been said right now, I just won’t mention it. Otherwise every one of my entries is going to begin the same: “Sorry it’s been so long but yadda yadda.”

I want to say I’ve been really busy but to be honest, not so much. Yeah, I don’t get home from work until 7 or 8, but that gives me a few hours before bed which I generally spend on training advice and, if there’s time left over, videogames. Sweet, sweet videogames.

So let’s see. Ah yes. So I made the final decision: I’m going back to school. I discussed it at length over the course of several days with my brother and mom, finally culminating in a several-hour lunch discussion that was not at all pleasant. Yay.

Anyway, things are smoother now. He understands a bit better where I’m coming from and all is well. I’ve already gone to see the counsellor at the college I’m applying to and discussed a lot of the various details. I’m applying for January! Eeee. I have to figure out how all this student financial aid shit works out.

With that, of course, comes the relocation. I’m going to have to get my things from Kelowna and move them down here (which shouldn’t be too hard because I own basically nothing at all). Two of my friends have expressed interest in becoming roommates. If I could get both of them to come along with me, all three of us could enjoy wacky hijinx (and a larger place) together! I think it would be cool.

Oh yeah, and I’m going to have to find a job, too. I’ll see if I can get in with a gym chain or a community center or something like that… I have to figure out what my masonry/school schedule is going to be like exactly though before I can, obviously.

The change is a lot of work but I already feel a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m almost like… just waiting for my new life to begin.

I’m also scared that I might suck ass. I was never very good at school before. I want to prove myself, now. Show myself (and others) that I’m actually capable of excelling in an academic environment.

Also, I got paid. But I have to reserve the money because I’m still catching up on bills that I haven’t paid for a while due to having such a long break between payments. As such, I’m still rationing food. Mind you, by rationing I mean only three meals a day instead of six.

However, rationing also means that I’m weak as fuck in the gym and not making any progress at all right now. It’s not reaaaaally a big deal right now though as currently I’m just doing rehab and injury prevention stuff.

What else what else… oh. I went to see Shoot ‘Em Up. It’s one of those movies… I don’t know. I don’t think it’s terrible, but it’s definitely not great, but the ridiculousness of the scenes and their epicness is just so fucking awesome… it’s definitely a Don’t-Go-Sober movie. But I think, barring sobriety, anybody that likes a good shoot ’em up can enjoy that movie. A lot.

Speaking of movies, I’m looking forward to Beowulf — even if it is a blatant butchering of the actual story. Meh who cares it has dragons, demons, and swords. Just what I’ve been waiting for, for like… many years.

Ugh, what else, what else… eh I dunno. I’ll figure something out later.

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