Crazy wacky entry title!!

I have a lot to say. So I’m only going to say very little. It’s weird how that works but I know I’m not the only one that does it!

Anyway, basically things are alright. I don’t want to give any updates on how work is going until everything is sorted out, but I’m… in good spirits.

A little more broke than I’d like to be but that’ll change soon enough.

I was checking records out again… I don’t know if I mentioned this but I’ve been training to set some weightlifting records recently. Not personal records, mind you (because I try and set those every time), but rather, world records. OH YES.

At first, I was a little put-off because I saw that the world squatting record for my weight class (165-181 pounds) was 560 pounds. That seemed like… more than I could get in any time soon.

However, upon further research, I found that this was not a raw record.

In powerlifting, you wear bench shirts and squat shirts that are made of tight, elastic material to give you a boost out of the hardest parts of the lifts where you have the worst leverage.

In raw powerlifting, you don’t use any such shirts. Well, I checked the raw lifting record for my weight class and it’s only 460!!

Now, I’m currently at 345 and I only weigh 172. I went up from 225 to 345 in about 4 or 5 months, and I started at a bodyweight of roughly 170. So I think it’s very doable.

I could be the future strongest 180 pound man in the world!! How cool is that?

Anyway then I’d probably take up Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to finalize my place as MBDL™ (Most Badass Dude in the Land).

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