Pros and Cons

Don’t you just hate it when you can’t go to sleep?

I find it sort of funny that I often read other peoples’ journals and they’re saying something like, “Oh, it’s 2AM and yadda yadda” or “Oh it’s 5 in the morning and I haven’t slept yet” and here I am saying the same shit but it’s only 10:39. Ah well.

So, be warned, I have a lot of whining to get off my chest here. It won’t be all bad though I promise. First of all, work-related stuff. Well, I’ve been working non-stop since the 2nd of this month and will probably continue with that trend for, well… as long as I’m here. I’ll rest when I’m dead!! Which means I may be resting soon…

It’s good though, it’s good. The more I work, the faster I get and the more I learn. The faster I get and the more I learn, the more I gain potential to earn. Temptation to rhyme rising…. rising… rising.. averted.

So that’s good. Once I finally get a vehicle, then things will be pretty much THE BEST EVER. Damn I really suck at whining don’t I? Back on topic, a vehicle will give me a multitude of great things.

First, I’ll be able to drive around to different sites myself and not have to take time away from my brother. This means I can do more work, make more money, and make more money. Money. I looove money.

Second, I’ll be able to go and buy my own groceries whenever I want. This will make things a lot easier for me because I like to have a fairly strict eating plan but it has been pretty random lately and that irks me because unplanned eating is just bad in so many ways.

Third, I’ll be able to go down to Vancouver on a whim which means I’ll be able to see my friends more often and it will make my relationship with Cheryl more viable and less, you know, sucky.

Anyway, more work stuff. So work overall is going good actually. I know I need more sleep than I’m getting now but I think I am addicted to that internet chick I was talking about earlier. She’s been busy a lot lately though which is good for me because I need a break from her anyway. So yes, more sleep. I’m waking up in the mornings at 6:45 but I usually sleep in for about half an hour before I wake up. I feel shitty until about 9 or 10… which mentally is very draining because that’s really when I have to do the most shit. I have to unload the saw or saws from the truck (about 50 pounds each) and unload all the bags of mortar (66 pounds each) and unload pallets of rock if it’s a new job (about 50 pounds) AND paper and wire the houses — something I really hate doing, partly because I’m still slow at it for some reason and partly because the wire is fucking EVIL. When you cut it, the cut edge is basically a series of razorblades and it will cut you. Period. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been dragging it around and it catches on my hand but whatever.

Okay, last thing about work. All the crouching and standing necessary is MURDERING my knees. I’m literally to the point where I cannot smoothly stand up from a crouching position. That’s what I get for leaving my anti-inflammatory supps in Vancouver though.

What else to whine about? Well there’s the whole insomnia thing which isn’t really insomnia I guess since I pretty much always make it to bed by 10PM. It’s getting steadily later and later as of late though.

That was a lot of lates!

Actually I guess I don’t have much to whine about really! Life is pretty sweet. If the above is all I can think of I guess I have it pretty damn good. Hey, didn’t I say I had it pretty damn good last entry? Coulda sworn I did… well if I didn’t I’m saying it now.




I’m hoping to be buying a vehicle sometime in the next… amount of time… that is less than a year… or two. I’m not sure because I keep delaying getting a license. Once I have that I”ll get a half-decent truck. Something that’s fairly cheap but reliable for work as well as not being a total piece of shit so I can drive it downtown and not look like I just reassembled it from the junkyard.

Okay, so my other gripes all fall into the whole “general health” field. First of all, I’m pretty tight with money at the moment — due to having several houses around 90% completion meaning no cheques meaning working our asses off for no money WOO-HOO — so my grocery-buying has been sporadic at best. This does not please me.

The fact is, I don’t mind cooking. I really don’t. But after work I have no energy for it. I just want to EAT. When I have a planned grocery list, I can prepare all my foods ahead of time. Cook and dice the chicken. Cook and chop up the vegetables. Cook the rice. Cook the chili. Cook the shepherd’s pie. You know, MASS COOKERY. So whenever I need a meal it’s just a matter of throwing together ready ingredients that I prepped earlier. Because I eat a shitload of food and preparing enough to eat every night is just a pain.

To segue into another food-related topic, I also need to actively sit down and work through a new menu since the last one just didn’t work out for me. The problem is it’s just so hard to get enough food for me and still have physically manageable meals.

Let me take a moment to note that, in case people haven’t noticed, I’m really big into weightlifting and would like to compete at a few powerlifting meets if I get the chance. The problem is at my current weight I only barely manage to squeak into the bare minimum requirements to compete… mind you that’s without powerlifting gear so I’d be a bit better and I’m a bit “soft” compared to most lightweight powerlifters but the take-home point here is……. I need to fix my nutrition.

Also my lack of gym membership but it’s 11 so I’m going to bed now!

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