Bridge ahoy!!

Well, everyone else has been updating so I will too! Kinda.

So I’m back in Kelowna. We still have a computer downstairs so I still have the ability to write entries but I’m not going to make it very long because I try to get to bed at nine. I really need sleep.

Anyway I’m sorry I can’t get to everyone’s notes… I promise by the New Year when everything has slowed down a bit things will be a bit more consistent and I’ll be able to get more in-depth with things, like the stuff I mentioned in prior entries.

Okay first of all, work has been going alright. I had a bad day today but in a way it was also a good day (was laying rock unsupervised but I was really slow at it but it was one of the most difficult types of rock to lay so there ya go). Anyway I’m constantly improving so I’m looking forward to just doing all this shit on my own with my own truck etc next summer. Then it won’t be a matter of being stressed out because I don’t know how to do this or that, but rather a matter of just trying to focus on doing as much as I can (which I find quite fun, actually — really working hard).

As far as relationships go… well I can’t remember if I discussed them by name but whatever, I will here. Cheryl, my friend-with-benefits… well my feelings towards her are changing I think. I mean, it sucks that we’re all long-distance and shit but when I get a vehicle it won’t really be that bad — I could see her every weekend or whatever. And she really is pretty awesome. We get along in a way completely different than I’m used to… but still, I dunno. It’s a good thing. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to straight up say, “Hey, I want a committed relationship” yet. I may though, the more time I spend with her the more I want to.

With regard to my ex… well, I mentioned that I had a hard time differentiating her from the word “girlfriend” a few entries back (I think?). Well, that went away a long time ago. Honestly I don’t really have enough time to think about relationship stuff except while I’m actually doing relationship stuff. My focus now is on work so I’ve kinda forgotten about emotional shit. She sent me a text message a while ago while I was at work (which I didn’t reply to… it was in my coat pocket and my coat was on the ground) and when I got it I didn’t get that usual rush of “oh my God so emo” that I get whenever I’m reminded of her. I guess I’m sort of indifferent about her right now. That’s not saying anything about her, though… I’m indifferent about a lot of things that don’t make me money at the moment.

Actually, what also may have helped is I have had a ridiculous influx of women recently! There was some random girl on the bus that I saw and talked to a few times and she was totally into me (the second time we saw each other I was on the back of the bus, she was at the front, and she waved me over). Then there’s some girl… ON THE INTERNET!! But she lives in the states so it’s no big deal and just a matter of ego really. And then of course there was some girl at a party I went to for Halloween that everyone was telling me to go and make out with (literally everyone. like when I walked into the room people would yell at me “GO KISS HER”)… and of course Cheryl. So I guess that helps take my mind off it.

Anyway, girls and work aside, the third most important thing to me is… THE GYM! Since I’m back in Kelowna for the time being I don’t really have access to it but I’m happy to say that I was thoroughly rocking the casbah a couple of days before I left so I’m happy with that. I honestly feel I could be repping squats for 300 if I had another few months of training… but my theory of having awesome genetics was confirmed when I was able to make good improvements working out only once every 10 days or so.

Anyway that’s all for now I promise I’ll respond to notes and catch up on entries and shit eventually!! Okay the entry catchup is a lie but I’ll be around more regularly in a couple months!

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I left you a comment earlier, it disapeared, lol. Don’t worry about catching up, you are quite busy. And I’m sure as the holidays approach more & more people will also become consumed in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and their off line lives! Always enjoy reading you! Take care!