SLAYER!!! yay i screwed up the title

Holy cow!! I got some major Slayer love last entry. You all ROCK. Major rockitude here. I’m talking a 9.7 on the Rockter scale.

Anyway, another very pressing issue for you folks is what kind of pizza I had last night. Well, I’m eating the other half tonight and I’m going to be honest: I have no idea. I’m looking at it right now… I see… hang on arm’s in the way… okay… we got some pepperoni here. Some other meat I think. Can’t… Oh! Looks like something like Cappicoli.. or Cappicola… or something. And mabe something else. Cheese, too. It’s meaty and cheesy, okay?

So. Today. Well let’s backtrack a little bit. Being that I walk around all day spilling concrete all over the place and stepping in sand and mortar and all that jazz, my shoes get pretty damn dirty. So I leave them outside when I enter the house. Well guess what it did this morning? Yeah, it rained. My shoes were soaked. Craig was not happy.

And of course, the other guys on the job decided to take the day off since it was raining. Well my brother calls ’em up and tells ’em to get their asses to the job site (it had stopped raining). This of course involved me sitting there for an hour doing nothing because all the tools were in their trucks. Yay!

Y’know, I had something else to say here that was interesting but I completely forgot what it was so instead I’m going to pimp I highly recommend you check it out. I spend hours on that every day. Basically… you take a song you like and create a “radio station” based on that particular song. You can also do band names but you get more accurate results by putting a song in. Anyways, will then find more songs that are similar to that song by other bands and play them for you. You can then rate the songs Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down, and also add other songs that you like. It works really well and I’ve found a lot of good new bands this way. You just have to be patient. For a few weeks my “radio stations” were weak as fuck but now it has been clinically proven to cause whiplash if you listen to these stations for too long (due to uncontrollable headbanging).

Let’s see, what else, what else… well, I really need to shave. Badly. I’m talking wolfman shit going on here. I think I might not just to add to the “holy shit you look different” effect when I return and see my friends. That, and I’m right on the cusp of the itchiness effect — once it grows to a certain length it stops making me want to scratch my face off. Additional upsides of the beard include making it a lot more difficult to spill water while you’re drinking. The hair helps catch it. Very useful because I am a chronic water-chugger and sometimes things can get a little out of hand.

Oh oh, I also bought some shampoo today, joy of joys. “For dry and damaged hair.” That’s me! All the concrete dust just kills it. I can run my hands through my hair and it’ll stay that way, sticking straight up. And then I can shake my head back and forth and my hair doesn’t move at all. Better than styling wax! Just add water!

Ooh we got some Rammstein goin’ on. Sehnsucht. Good album.

You know who else is good? Eagles. Or is it The Eagles? Whatever. You get the idea. They have a lot of classics! I was talking about someone else with the guys on the job today too… who was it… Huey Louis and the News!! Haha. Oh man. I hope it rains tomorrow because if it does as they predicted — pour like crazy — the job will in fact be put off for the day meaning my brother and I will go to the drug store getting printer paper meaning I can get that attachment for my ipod that’ll let me hook it up to the computer meaning I can put some Eagles and News music on it meaning I can spend less time on the computer and also I’ll have something to do while I’m visiting my friends in Vancouver and also longest sentence ever.

I’m still eating dinner so I’m not hitting save until I’m done! I’ll be inspired; is there anything more inspiring than pizza? I think not. I hope you guys realize I’m doing this for you. You know, entertainment factor and all… even though reading my disjointed paragraphs and stream-of-thought gibberish is probably not all that entertaining.

Oh, while I was in the mall getting shampoo I stopped by a local electronics store and I noticed that they’re selling electronic voice recorder things for fifty bucks. You can save, delete, and append up to 397 voice message. I think that would be unspeakably awesome for my brother since his phone rings, literally, every ten minutes. He would be able to easily save all sorts of messages and notes for himself without having to write phone numbers on the back of receipts.

OH YEAH! Here’s a bit of random drama. One of my exes, I was wondering what had become of her a while ago so I asked a guy that used to work with her. Apparently… she dropped out of University, moved to WA, and married some Sys Admin. Holy shit! She’s only twenty or something. When I heard of that I was just like, Oh my God! I feel old.

And I only feel older seeing all those kids going to school these days. Call me a creep but some of those girls are fuckin’ smoking. And I don’t mean cigarettes, FYI. Scary stuff. I’d go out with a senior I think. I mean, eighteen-to-nineteen is a reasonable cutoff considering my age I think. Mind you, and I mean no offense to anybody that’s in that age-range and reading this entry, but… I don’t think it’s really feasible to attempt a long-term relationship with anybody that age. Too much growing and maturing and, consequently, growing apart that happens during that period. Also, all y’all’s crazy. But that last part is, I admit, more than just a little bit of the appeal. My tame masochism is something I’m not sure I can ever outgrow.

Oh, I’ve got something else to write about. First, I’ll finish this last slice of pizza though.

(Insert eating sounds here)

OH YEAH!! That’s the stuff. Now back to your regularly schedulelasdkgha;o4iasawhatever.

So anyway. These guys I’ve been hanging out with, I gave a brief introduction earlier — Kevin and Joe — well Joe I’ve never met but Kevin is pretty typical of the other guys around their age I’d say. Honestly, I have never met a group of people before that was more jaded and misogynistic as these guys. They bring the term “objectifying” to new, terrifying heights. On the other hand I’m single right now and not looking for a relationship so this works out for me as we go trawling the clubs night after night but I digress.

They seem to have been put in this position where they feel all “western women” view relationships — or more specifically, the dating game — as “What can you do for me?“. What they’re looking for is somebody that will unquestioningly fulfill their responsibilities while they provide for them. The sort of… traditional housewife role. They also think that it’s impossible to find somebody like that.

Okay, so I guess in some ways I agree with what they’re saying, but give me a second to explain myself before you bite my head off.

In my experience, it’s very hard to find somebody that is responsible enough to fulfill their workload, workload being defined as their responsibilities. I think it’s everyone’s responsibility, at least in a relationship sense, to do a task if there is a task that needs to be done. Okay, so there’s some leeway there, but shit shouldn’t pile up. What I’m getting at here is people — note I said people and not women — have a very poor work ethic, especially my generation. I’m not trying to put myself on a pedestal either; I say this only after I’ve been shown how shitty my work ethic is — not that I had any real doubts before. I’ve just seen more examples of what it should be now than I have before.

Also, a contributing factor to Kevin’s views are that he and the guys he hangs out with typically spend their time around party girls. Club girls. You know. When I generalize here, I’m going to give a disclaimer and say that I know there are good apples in every bad batch, but the “Me me me” personality is particularly prevalent among these types of people which I think factors heavily into this mindset of “Women want all my money just for standing around and looking pretty sometimes.”

I, however, can only sympathize anecdotally. In my past experiences, I’ve always shared responsibilities with my girlfriends. The balance tends to shift in one direction or the other, though. Maybe I pay bills she she pays for food. Maybe I clean the bedroom and bathroom, and she cleans the kitchen (which is a pretty even deal considering how much I eat). Maybe she makes all the phonecalls because I’m phone-phobic, but I pay for the pizza. Haha. You get what I’m saying though, there was always a bit of balance.

I don’t think I could deal with these fucking prima-donnas that expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. Honestly, I’m a pretty picky guy (maybe too picky for my own good). If there’s one thing I expect, it’s for somebody I’m in a relationship with to pull their own weight. I’ll give leeway, lots of it, if they’re going through a stressful time. I have no problem doing things they ask of me if it’s not a huge inconvenience to me (and sometimes even if it is, if the situation warrants it). But if I do that, I expect to be able to ask them to do something for me and get it done and not make a big deal out of it. That’s not too big of an expectation, is it? I don’t ask people for things very often. In fact, a lot of people would probably see me as a people-pleaser and/or a pushover. While I do love making people happy, I am far from a pushover. I just have no problem doing favors for people if it doesn’t take me far out of my way. As a result, however, if I ask people to do something for me, I expect them to do it, no questions asked. It usually works out that way too. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I have such good luck with people.

When I’m dealing with people that are reasonable and not disrespectful, we tend to get along. Actually I get along with people really easily (with the exception of one social problem of mine which I’ll discuss when I’m finished with this tangent). Part of that I attribute to my readiness to do favors for people asking little in return, and part of that I attribute to just being sexy. No I kid, I kid, the other part of that I think is just that I’m willing to give anybody a chance. I’ve met a lot of people from different social cliques so to speak and I have no problem with people regardless of what they look like or what shit they’re interested in. My interests are everything. I love to learn about new things and talk about anything. So I tend to be reluctant to judge people by their appearances. Well that’s not true. But I’m reluctant to let my judgements affect how I treat them. That’s a much more accurate comment. So as a result I get along well with people.

The reason I’m not Mr. Popularity™ is because I have the worst time initiating conversation with people. Even people I’m familiar with, I just have a hard time starting conversation. If I need to ask for something, or if I need to tell them something, or if I just want to socialize… I need a hook of some sort. I have no problem talking to cashiers and stuff because they usually say “How are you today” or whatever line they’re forced into saying to appease the ubiquitous Secret Shoppers, but I can run with that! Anyway I’m hoping repeated drunken nights on the town will help alleviate me of that particular malady.

Okay I’ve written way too much now so I’m gonna go and read some boring strength and conditioning articles. Arivaderci!

Oh, one last reminder to myself… I need to detail my insane goodbye ‘shrooms trip I had a few months ago and how it changed my life forever. Haha, I should add teasers like this to all my entries… of course nobody’s going to know about this unless they go all the way down to the bottom of the entry and OH GOD I NEED TO STOP WRITING AND GO TO BED

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