[pictures: the past, part 3]
One thing people found cute–or nauseating–about us was that we had matching license plates. This was my Cavalier, which was the car I had before my ill-fated Beretta.
This was her license plate:
I mentioned the accident we had, but my description may not have done it justice. This is what a Dodge Daytona looks like after it pulls out in front of a pickup truck going ~ 40 mph. The way the front right wheel is tilted amazes me.
I’ll never forget the headlights in the window.
Me looking horrible, Laura looking adorable. This was taken at the home I grew up in. You can see my mother’s books on the left. 🙂 I always loved the swords, and the clock was brought back from Europe by my father. When couldn’t sleep, I’d come into this room and lay on the couch and listen to the ticking of the clock.
Laura in The Jersey, with her cat, Rocky. 🙂 Rocky gave us a lot of fits–he was a wanderer, an escaper, and multiple times we had to track him down outside the apartment. He was adorable, though.
This was always my favorite picture of her, from the same day
I present Overstressed Worker In full Schnucks Video Club regalia! I love the expression on her face, which, translated, is "You goof."
This is Laura at Andy and Christy’s wedding, which means I should show a picture of the bride and groom:
Ta-duh! I always thought this was a sweet photo, though others never understood why. I like how relaxed they are, holding hands, with Andy ever vigilant.
What better way to end a set of photos?