
 We all know what CHANGES are.  Some of us handle changes better than others.  I am one that doesn’t like change.  Pocket change, yes.  Other changes, no.

Like today, I changed my page.  I want you to see a part of me that I don’t talk alot about.  Why????  Because I have always felt that I wasn’t good enough.  My self-esteem has always been an issue, even when I was a child.

Some time ago, I updated my Facebook Page to include a business that I started many years ago.  It’s called "Joyful Notes".   It is about my first love:  Music.

I started learning to play the piano and singing through my grandmother Estelle Logemann and my mom Ione Logemann Weckerly.  The both of them were so very instrumental in teaching me to love music as much as they did.  I in turn put the love of music into my daughter’s heart and now she and her husband are instilling it into their 4 children. I have seen my daughter blossom this past year with accepting a role as pianist and vocalist in her church–Hope Church–Dubuque, IA.  I’ve also watched and listened as my oldest grandson Isaac has turned into a wonderful musician, who is accomplishing many instruments.  He is very talented on piano and trombone.  He is taking trumpet lessons and guitar lessons, and he learned to play the ukelele at school this past year.  Last week he attended Band Camp for Jr. High School Students at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Platteville.  This is his 2nd year of attending.  You can only go if you are chosen by your Band or Choir director.
Last year in school, 6th grade he accompanied the High School Jazz Band on piano.  He is talented.

And his Nana is very proud of him, his brothers and baby sister, mommy and daddy too.

I’m trying to get the word out that I will play for Weddings, funerals, parties, graduations, church functions, etc..  This was the basis for putting Joyful Notes on FB, even though I haven’t really kept up with it.  

Other changes that have taken place: 
The building that I live in is being remodeled into a "Green" living space.  We have received new appliances, a/c’s and last week they came in and took out all of our lightbulbs and replaced them with the compact fluorescent bulbs and they changed our showerheads to 2 gallon per minute heads, and fixed the flow on all the faucets.  It’s really SLOW.
They will be coming in and ripping out all the carpets and the linoleum and replacing it with new stuff.  I really don’t like the colors because they are dark.  I feel that as dark as the carpet will be, those of us that need light will be feeling like the walls are closing in on us.  I will have to sit in front of the light for alot longer than I do already.

Another change taking place for me is figuring out how to survive w/o an income.
I know I’ve talked about this before, but the Attorneys are still not helping me with my disability.  I’m to the point of finding another attorney to help me.  It’s been 2 yrs, almost 3 come Sept.  That’s a long time to go w/o an income.
What I’ve been doing to survive besides the music is, I’ve sold practically all my furniture, computer components, craft items, clothes and I’m down to thinking about selling my car.  For 3 weeks, my car wasn’t running because I needed a new battery.  Could I find anyone to help me???? No!! Not even my family.  I called the church, my family, neighbors.  Everyone said:  "no".  Finally, I remembered someone that I used to know that worked on cars and I asked him.  He came and he checked my car to make sure it wasn’t anything else. It took about 10 minutes.  We are up and running again.  Thank you kind friend.
I just don’t understand people these days.  Whatever happened to a Helping Hand???  I just don’t get it.  Practically every Friday night, in this building, I cook for several people.  I don’t ask for money, I don’t ask for help.  I do it because I like too and I want too.  Lots of young people live here and all they eat is junk food. I provide one meal a week that is good home cooked food.  It blesses me to see them enjoy the food, and it gives me a chance to get to know my neighbors.  All 73 of them.

I pray that all of you are enjoying your summer.  It has been very hot here in southwestern Wisconsin.  Today is nice, but there is so much dirt from the road construction that I can’t open my windows until they quit working at 9pm tonight.

I will be staying busy with selling what I have left of my stuff and deciding what to do with my car, preparing food, singing and playing piano, and hanging with the grandkids.

Keep me posted in your world, even if I don’t answer.  I have met some ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL people here on OD.  You are ALL my friends and I CHERISH each of you and your own unique personalities and writing styles.

Here are pics of me.  Everyone keeps asking.  Yeah, I’m overweight thanks to all the medications I have too take.

This is me and my older brother Jack.

Danni and I at a wedding reception at church, May 2010.

I’m the one in the center next to the little guy in the tux. With the blue blouse and paisley skirt.  I was the pianist. Yup I still have the moves to YMCA.

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June 25, 2012

I like the happy feel on the OD page, I should update mine somehow. Yes, your lawyer does not seem to be helping you any. There is lots of dust all the time out here in the country at my moms. Finally we are having some decent weather without rain these last few days. Did you get lots of rain and storms the last couple weeks where you are? Must be nice to have talent!

June 25, 2012

I like the happy feel on the OD page, I should update mine somehow. Yes, your lawyer does not seem to be helping you any. There is lots of dust all the time out here in the country at my moms. Finally we are having some decent weather without rain these last few days. Did you get lots of rain and storms the last couple weeks where you are? Must be nice to have talent!

June 25, 2012

RYN: Thanks for the birthday wishes; my fiancee helped me enjoy it immensely. We are going to Gulf Shores, Alabama. I like your new layout. It has been really hot here too. I have always wanted to play an instrument, but I’m not musically inclined.

June 26, 2012

Before I read your entry, I just wanted to comment on your note – the Collingsworth family??? As in, Kim Collingsworth?? I have seen her on my DVDs of the National Quartet Conventions – is she a piano player? I have her on two of my Pianorama DVDs. She plays with the Southern Gospel piano players every year, right? I LOVE listening to her play the piano!! I guess we are thinking of the same person, right? I didn’t realize that her whole family was musical. That is awesome that you got to see them and that they were a blessing!

June 26, 2012

RYN: Northcentral actually… Price county to be exact….

June 27, 2012

I really appreciate your note, tyvm :o) Yes, music is my blood and innerself, lol, but, we’re cool geeks. peace on you – ms

June 28, 2012

You are a cheerful person. Nice. ryn: Thanks for your note. You can find the music sheet for the song God on the mountain at this site: Hope this helps.

June 30, 2012

Life throws us many challenges. I sincerely hope all your efforts will pay off in the end. It is so difficult.

July 1, 2012

I would change lawyers if things are not moving along. It is impossible to live on nothing.

August 12, 2012

Times are so hard. I have been bouncing around, too. There are no teaching jobs. My latest adventure is working at Walmart this summer. I applied for a “part-time” job, but I average 31 hours a week! I think things will get better, because I cannot imagine them getting any worse than they are now. Bless you for feeding your neighbors!