May Happenings

 Hi All,
Yup, it’s the end of May and I haven’t wrote anything in OD for the month.  May is busy.  Garage Sales, school functions, Graduations, Weddings, Birthdays, Kids, Grandkids, etc..

I’ve been busy.  I thought that when I was not working in nursing anymore that my love of caring for people would disappear.  Nope.  There’s an elderly gentleman that sits in the  front foyer of my apartment building.  Everytime he sees me he calls me "Doc."  I’m not a doctor, just a CNA.  Certified Nursing Assistant, EMS-Emergency Medical Services.  I have 25 yrs of experience, but not a doctor.  I told him one time that I wasn’t a doctor and he said:  "your my doctor in house."  Can’t seem to get it thru his head I’m not a doctor.
Yesterday his wife came and got me and said:  "can you look at his feet?"  I went down.  He had some swelling in the feet, but it wasn’t really bad.  I had his elevate his feet in his recliner chair.  I asked him if he was drinking enough water and he said:  "can’t my wife give me something better than that?"  I said:  "nope."  He just smiled.  He said his shoes were bothering his feet.  I looked at the shoes and said: "yup, you need new ones."  This morning he showed me his new shoes.

He is not the only one that knocks on my door for help.  I’ve helped lots of neighbors and had nice comments given to me by the local EMS and the Police Dept. for helping out.  
A 28 yr old MS patient just had knee surgery.  So I check the staples and look for redness and other signs of infection.  She’s fine.  The guy across the hall from her needed help with a foot bath.  Taught him to use Listerene as a foot soak instead of other stuff.  The original is the best stuff.  Kills everything.  The guy across the hall from me is a severe diabetic and I took care of him last week.  Actually called 911 on him because of the distress he was in.  He was mad at me. But I told him I’d rather have him mad at me then 6ft. underground.  The last person I spent time with was my neighbor in 605.  She’s a quadrapalegic from a car accident.  It was actually me she helped.  Recently I’ve had more and more panic attacks.  I was having one and rapped on her door.  She said:  "hey come on in."  We talked about 2 hrs. and then I was fine.  She’s told me before to come in whenever that is going on.  

When I first moved here I wasn’t so sure that I was going to like living here.  But now that I’ve been here almost 2 yrs. I really like it.

June 1st they will be starting construction inside this building.  We are getting new flooring tiles and carpet, new wall paint, new closet doors, and a new front door.  I hate the idea that I have to pack all my stuff back up, and it’s difficult for the seniors to do this.  I will just toss it in the closet and the bathtub.  Now where else to put it.

Has anyone been garage sailing yet?  I have.  Actually my friend Chris and I went sailing for his sister that is moving from CA to WI.  This is what we’ve bought so far for $250.
A full bed, mattress and boxsprings, bunkbed frames and 2 new mattresses for the bunkbeds, 27" TV, PS2, Microwave, microwave cart, TV stand, dresser and 2 bookcases, crockpot, canisters with spoons, clothes basket, a/c, girls bike, washer and dryer (dryer was free and worked great).  Seems like I’m forgetting something.  But we have the stuff in our apartments or at friends houses.  We will be moving it around the  10th of June when she gets the keys to her townhouse.

How’s the weather where all of you are at?????  Last night we had a horrible storm.  The lightening woke me up around 3am and I watched it storm until 7am.  I wish my camera could take night pictures but it can’t.  We are under a tornado watch right now and tomorrow is supposed to be around 100.  I won’t be able to breathe.  I will sit in the house all day after church.

Lots of you know my daughter and her family.  Not much is going on yet at their house.
Last day of school was yesterday.  Isaac is promoted to 7th grade and Caleb is promoted to Kindergarten.  Noah and Stella are too little for school.  Yesterday I took care of Noah.  My daughter said he was sick the night before, so he couldn’t go to daycare.  He was fine with me.  And boy is he smart for 3.!!!!  All day long he asked me if we could go to Jumpin’ Janes.  I had no idea what Jumpin’ Janes was until he explained it to me.  He told me it was a huge game place with lots of jumpin stuff, and a ball pit and video games.  I asked him if I could jump and he said no.  So I pretended to cry and he said:  "that’s ok grandma, you can eat pizza in the ball pit. I’ll hold your had so you won’t be scared, ok?"  I love that boy.  Mom got home with Stella right after school got out.  Stella had the cutest little brown dress on.  I said to Joy:  "she looks like a little Amish girl."  Stella looked at me and said:  "no I not!"  Now explain to me how a 1 yr. old knows what I was talking about.

Joy got a juice machine from one of her friends that doesn’t use it.  The kids love to make juice.  I will try and post their achievement and their happy faces.

Isaac is in back, Caleb is holding the juice, Noah is behind Stella, and Stella is up front.  These kids are so wonderful, talented, and just happy.

Here are some more of my favorite photos of the kids.  I’m gonna try and put Isaac’s piano recital up here too.

Stella with her pigtails.  She reminds me of the little girl on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Noah in the glasses that he made at Kids Church.  Hope Church, Dubuque, Iowa

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Caleb’s scuba mask. "Can I wear it to bed mom?"  

Isaac’s free throw.  He made them!!!

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May 27, 2012

You are such a blessed, blessed, blessed women with all these wonderful kids in your life! I never knew about the wonder of Listerene as a foot bath!!!!! You’ve made my day! I will have to get it for hubby. And you are the local earth angel in your building it seems. Very very proud of you, m’am!

May 28, 2012

Sounds like it has been a busy month for you. The kids are adorable, and as the previous noter said, you’re so blessed to have them in your life. RYN: I just wanted a color change, so after trying out a couple of different ones, I settled on the green, though I don’t know how much longer I’ll keep it. I’m not completely satisfied with it.

May 30, 2012

Loved all the photos. As for helping others, God will bless you for it.:)