March Madness

Hi All,
I was hoping to be able to spend more time writing on this blog.  But because I have to spend most of my time at the library computer, then I don’t always get to write here.  Why?  Because the library computers have time limits on them.

Around here in March, we have something called March Madness.  It’s because of all the High School Basketball Tournaments.  Boys and Girls.  I used to follow Benton, WI boys and Cuba City WI girls.  But since my daughter isn’t in school anymore I haven’t really followed anybody.
I did follow Benton the year they won the State Title for their section.  And I used to watch the girls play all the time, but without TV, I don’t anymore.

March still is a busy time for me.  It is Solo and Ensemble time.  Yeah!!!!!  Lots of music to learn, not just the students but for myself as an accompanist.  Loving this years music.  My hardest piece is the on for my saxophone soloist.  It’s all triplets in the second movement for those of you who understand piano music.

I have all the students who attend my church:  Platteville Free Methodist Church and one other student who is singing a duet with one student from church.  She also has a solo.

Wow!!! How is the weather where all of you are?  It is absolutely beautiful here in Platteville.  I have had my windows wide open for two days and two nights.  I don’t think it’s gotten below 40 here.  Today it is already 72 outside.  Yesterday it was 70 at this hour.
Hope the Spring doesn’t mean we are going to have a very hot summer!  I love the weather just like it is.

The apartment I live in is going to get some changes starting at the end of the month.  We are getting all new carpet thruout all 73 apartments, new stoves and fridges, microwaves, and a/c’s.  Everything will be Energy Star.  This will help save on our Utility Bills.  My whole bill for 6 months is only $132.67.  I never turn on lights unless I need them.  I only had the heat on 3 times and I had it at 60.  Otherwise it was too hot in here for me.  I have 2 huge south facing windows, so I get heat everyday including the winter.

Be careful if any of you go to a Waterpark this summer.  My grandson Isaac cracked his head open several weeks ago on a waterpark ride.  There is a new ride that puts you in a box and you have to put your hands behind your head and then they drop you on 3.  Well, they did that to Isaac and he got scared.  So he let his hands go away from his head and when he came back down and met the slide his head hit first and split open.  By the time he reached the bottom of the slide he was really bleeding.  The lifeguards wrapped him in towels and went and paged for the mom of the family he was with.  Then they sent them to the Urgent Care in town.  When they got to the Urgent Care, they found out it was closed.  So they had to travel 20 minutes in a blinding snowstorm to reach the next town.  Well then the ER at the hospital wasn’t gonna treat Isaac, because his parents had a different medical provider than they were.  Finally after calling my daughter several times, they finally put stapels in Isaacs head.  This is the first time I’ve seen them use staples with corkscrew prongs.  Usually the prongs are straight.

Isaac was BMOC (big man on campus) for several days at school.  The kids thought the staples were COOL. I found out during the middle of the night when I got a phone call from a very frightened daughter.

Take care friends.  Enjoy the beautiful weather.  Hang out with friends and family.  Rejoice in what GOD has blessed you with.


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March 14, 2012

Glad your keeping busy with the music you love 🙂 wow sad for Issac! But glad he will be ok. Some rides are downright dangerous for sure! Just got to Platteville last weekend to see my youngest. I’m surprised to see how hilly it is there!

March 14, 2012

March Madness — the college version — is very big here in Kentucky. We don’t have any professional sports teams here, so our college basketball team is a really big deal. We’ve been having amazing weather here as well. I always love the spring time.

March 19, 2012

Our weather, where we’re going into Fall now, is just beautiful. Not too hot anymore and we did have a few serious scorchers during the summer. It’s gorgeous days here.

March 19, 2012

Poor Isaac 🙁

March 21, 2012

Wow, I cannot believe that a hospital would make him wait on treatment. Here, that so wouldn’t happen because of the way the medical care works. America is nuts that way. George wouldn’t get scared on the ride and I wouldn’t be able to stop him at almost sixteen. My daughter is much more reasonable. My youngest son is a dare devil, too. Too bad about the limits at the library. I hate beingrushed.