
Hi All,
It’s me………….I sometimes forget that I have this website, so now I’ve bookmarked it on my friend Chris’ computer.  

How is everyone doing this January 2012?  January has brought snow to southwestern Wisconsin.  We have like 9" on the ground.  Some melted today because it was 25 outside.  Heatwave.  Didn’t even zip up the coat.  Just went outside and headed for the library.  January has also brought Dr. appts., my DVD player died, a person that gave me a DVD player (btw: she was on a buy, trade, sell website here in my area and told me she was getting rid of her old DVD player because the VHS side didn’t work anymore.)  So I txt’d her and made arrangements to pick it up from her.  Got it home and found out she lied about it.  The DVD side was broke and the VHS side worked.  Well, I called her back and said:  "you lied.  She said:  no I didn’t.  I’m like, yes you did.  I asked for a working DVD player, not a broken one."  Her reply was: oh, I’m sorry, but this is how I get rid of stuff I don’t want.   I reported her to the website and warned others not to take stuff from her.

But all is well.  Because someone from my church gave me enough money to go and get a new one.  Best yet, it was on sale when I got it!!

I’ve been really dizzy the last couple of days.  So today I called the chiropractor that I used to go too.  But I had to tell him that I don’t have an income anymore, so I’m living on zero.  But I’m so dizzy that I can’t stand it.  If I bend over, I fall over.  And I have horrible pain in my Cervical spinal area.  Just between the shoulder blades.  It hurts to sleep, sit, stand.  It just hurts.
Hopefully, the chiropractor will call back tomorrow and tell me what to do.

Put my name out there for Weddings, Funerals and School Performances.  Got a wedding within 2 days of putting my name out.  I’m on a list to play for funerals.  So the funeral homes call the names on the lists to see who has time to play for the funerals.  It’s a quick $75  and a free meal. 🙂

Do any of you play Cityville on FB?  My grandkids got me hooked.  I love Cityville!  If I had a computer at home, I wouldn’t get anything done because of playing the game so much.  Thanks Isaac, Nana loves you, buddy!!!

I hope and pray that February brings you all much happiness.  I don’t celebrate Valentines Day.  Too many BAD memories.  So please don’t send me any cheezy notes.

Take care my friends,

PS:  to my health inspector friend, there are places around here that you need to be checking.  You want a list? 

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February 27, 2012

we are getting snow here tomorrow day and evening and Wednesday. Hopefully not too much, I have to travel tomorrow about a half hour away. Glad you got a DVD player. Take care!

February 29, 2012

I was addicted to Cityville for a few weeks, but it’s a hard game to play unless you’ve got a massive load of friends! So, I gave it up, but it’s a fun game.