A Day Late

 My dad used to say this all the time:  "A day late, and a dollar short."  Not so sure what he meant by that.  Maybe he meant that because he was a dollar short in cash that the bill would be late by a day?  Don’t know.

Well, I didn’t do anything on Thanksgiving except come to Chris’ and feed his fish, play on the computer and watched tv.  But Friday I went to my daughter’s and played with the kids all day and helped them put up their Christmas tree.  I was to be the guardian of the ornaments, because Noah and Caleb wanted to play with them and immediately hang them on the tree.
My daughter likes the tree just so, so…………………..
Caleb and Noah got kicked out alot.  2 ornaments got broke, a John Deere tractor collectors ornament and a Packers football collectors ornament.  Both can be fixed with a little glue.  Don’t fret momma.  They are only little once.  And they just want to help.

It’s cold and rainy here today.  What am I talking.  It’s 10:15pm.  It’s been cold and rainy all day.  I went to the  library and returned books and got more craft books for Christmas gifts.  Didn’t get movies this time.  I really need to be practicing for our Christmas Cantata for Dec. 4, 2011.  It’s titled "Mary Did You Know", but it’s different than the one we did last year with that series.  I’m singing most of it.  I started out as a soprano, and was moved to the alto section because there aren’t enough strong altos to carry the part.  One piece I will be accompanying on the piano and this year we have video that goes along with the music.  How cool!!!  

First off I must say that the seniors in church aren’t too fond of change.  Let’s keep the organ and the piano.  Don’t move the furniture, don’t change the color of paint and whatever you do DONT MOVE THE CROSS.

The young people are like:  we need a praise band, we want more up tempo music for worship, Can’t we do overheads vs hymnal?  And: if we have a retractable screen for the words on powerpoint, then what’s the big deal about the cross?  It will only be covered during music and then the screen retracts up.

I tend to be with the younger crowd, because my theory is this:  the seniors are dying off and the young people are the future generations of the church.  Plus I’d really like to see the Pipe Organ go!!!!!!  It’s not that I hate it, it’s that you can’t play praise and worship on it.  And now that we have the digital and I’m looking at a drum set for the church, who needs it anyway?

Plus, the chicky who plays it, thinks she’s God’s gift to the organ world.  Most of the members don’t like the beast (organ) anyway.  It’s loud, noisy and out of tune.  Personally I’d like to set fire to it and roast marshmallows on it.

My daughter told me something funny that happened at their church with one of her kids.  Caleb age 5.  They were walking in to Hope Church in Dubuque and Joy, my daughter wanted Caleb to hang his coat on the hooks where they were  putting everyone else’s coats.  Well Caleb was too busy running to his classroom and he yelled to his mama as only Caleb could:  "Mama, they have those hookers down by our classroom!!"

Only in church.  I sure my daughter wanted to hide her face.  I told my daughter yesterday that he didn’t mean anything by it and he doesn’t know those kinds of things because it’s not talked about in their house.

Tomorrow I sing a solo in church for the first day of Advent.  I’m singing a song called:  "Bethlehem Morning".  Here are the words.

Lift up your heads
No need to mourn
His hand is stretched out still
For unto us a child is born
His promise to fulfill
Jerusalem! He cried for you
He did not come to us in vain
His loving arms are open wide for you
And he will come
He will come again
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/sandi_patty/bethlehem_morning.html ]
Bethlehem morning
Is more than just a memory
For the Child that was born there
Has come to set us free
Bethlehem sunrise
I can see Him in your eyes
For the Child that was born there
His spirit never dies
His star will never, will never grow dim
And it’s a brand-new dawn
A new Jerusalem
And we and we will reign
We will reign with him

Bethlehem morning
Is more than just a memory
For the Child that was born there
Has come to set us free
Bethlehem sunrise
I can see it in your eyes
For the Child that was born there
Is the King of kings
And the Lord of lords
And He will come again

**************************Hope this works.  This is the widget with the song.  If it doesn’t work, go to the website Lyrics.com and listen to the song.  Otherwise come to the Platteville Free Methodist Church and listen to me at 10:30am.  
<object width=’300′ height=’180′><embed src=’http://widget.lyricsmode.com/i/scroll2.swf?lid=687753&speed=4&#8242; width=’318′ height=’181′ type=’application/x-shockwave-flash’/></embed></object><br><a href=’http://www.lyricsmode.com&#8217; target=’_blank’>Lyrics</a> | <a href=’http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/sandi_patty/&#8217; target=’_blank’>Sandi Patty lyrics</a> – <a href=’http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/sandi_patty/bethlehem_morning.html&#8217; target=’_blank’>Bethlehem Morning lyrics</a>

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November 27, 2011

The saying your dad says means he can’t keep up with everything/anything! I hope Church can manage to change it up a bit!

November 27, 2011

Glad you had fun with the kids. I haven’t put up a tree yet, but I put up outside lights and decorations this weekend.

November 27, 2011

oh my gosh I hear ya!! LOL!! We need to have a bonfire with the orgen as the main thing to burn!! hahahaa!!!

November 27, 2011

RYN: I have posted pictures a couple times since I have been here.

November 27, 2011

Pictures are on my entry dated 19 Nov.

November 29, 2011

I laughed at you wanting to set fire to the pipe organ. Bring on the smores..!!!

December 4, 2011

My dad use to say that phrase. For our British culture, it is said about people. It means that you are basically hopeless. You are not meeting your deadlines and lacking when you try. When it is said about yourself, it means that you are falling short and know it. I am not a huge fan of organ music. However, they are very valuable. If you have a good one, musicians from all over the world will come to play it.