Friday Night

Here it is Friday night, Nov. 18, 2011.  I’ve not done much all day except rearrange my living room furniture, vacuum the floors, dump the garbage and made supper for myself and Chris.  He lets me use his computer if I cook supper.  I guess it’s fair.  I don’t know.

We are watching Iowa State getting their butts kicked by Oklahoma State.  10-0.  Iowa should have 21 now, but they’ve made so many mistakes.  This costs games.  And they lost one of their better players in the 1st quarter. 

I’d prefer not watching football, but it’s not my tv.  So, I watch what’s on and try not to complain.  I’m thankful he’s willing to share the tv with me.

It’s kinda cold here tonight.  My body actually aches all over today.  Especially my knees.

Do you ever dream?  I mean just sit down and think about things you’d like if you could afford them?
Well, because if the attorney gets me what I think the disability will be, plus the fact that he told me that I am also due my father’s disability benefits because he was injured when I was in high school and my mom never collected our benefits as survivors.  So if this is the case, then I need to decide what to do with some money when it comes in.

I’m looking at a new vehicle.  My choice is not because of the looks or what it has in it for options, but what is best for me.  I’m looking at a Kia Soul.  Kia is built by Ford.  I would like the Soul+ in Alien Green.
The other thing I’d like is a new sofa and chair set for my living room.  I really don’t need anything else, so I haven’t even looked.  I have some bills to pay and a big bill to pay off, but other than that, I’m good.  My debt is under $10,000.  so I’m blessed.

What’s everyone doing for Thanksgiving?  I’m staying home with my tv dinner and a movie.  Joy’s dad and stepmom are here and I really don’t want to deal with the drama.  So this is why I stay home.  It’s fine.  Not an issue.

Know any good turkey jokes?  

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November 18, 2011

I am having Thanksgiving in Germany with some military people and my daughter. I am making cornbread stuffing, banana bread, zuchinni bread, and maybe some sweet potatoe pies! My daughter is making mini pecan pies!

November 20, 2011

I have a 2010 Kia Soul and absolutely love it.

November 21, 2011

In Canada, we have Thanksgiving in October. I am a great believer in avoiding drama.