
Well, as most of you know, I’m not working anymore.  Only lasted 3 days before the Panic set in.  Got $100 for the 3 days of training.  It was enough to put plates on my car and get a bottle of medication.  Now I need gas in my car and other stuff, but unless someone is willing to give me a gas card, it will have to wait.

Wisconsin Disability Lawyer has been hired for my case.  They are from Minneapolis.  It was kinda funny.  They sent 6 release forms for Drs. and wanted the list of Drs. that I’ve seen over the yrs..  I actually had to write the names and addresses on a sheet of paper.  I have 64 doctors that I’ve seen over the years for different things pertaining to my health.  That kinda tripped them up a bit because they said:  "we’ve never had anyone that has had 64 doctors."  I said:  "sorry, but 5 of them are eye specialists because of my double vision and crossed eyes since birth."  The atty was like:  "how have you worked, or drove, or anything like that since you didn’t have the corrective surgery until 2004?"  I replied:  By God’s Grace.

Truly, this is the only answer that I can give, because I don’t know how I’ve been able to see what I see.  I didn’t know trees had leaves until I was in high school.  I thought it was just a blob.  Weird.  Don’t know how I’ve driven either without an accident.  Driving at night now is really difficult for me and I don’t do much of it unless I’m in town or at my daughters 10 miles away.

How is everyone in OD land? 

Are you Thankful for many things?  I am.  I have taken the whole month of November and each day I post on Facebook what I am thankful for.  Today I am thankful that when I can’t sleep, I have The Bible to read until I fall asleep in God’s loving embrace.

So what are some of the things you are thankful for?  Here are some of the things I am thankful for:

Life, God, Family, Friends, Food, The Word of God, My Church, Choir, Music, Playing the Piano, My Grandkids, The Beauty Outside my Window, The Library, The Men and Women who Serve our County and Keep Our Freedom Free, and my list goes on.

I hope you all have a great day and spend time doing the things you love with those you love.  Tonight is Women’s Bible Study at my church, so I will be heading home shortly to reread the book we have.

Oh man, a chick just walked into the library with Hot Pink hair!!!!!  Holy Cow!!!  It matches her PJ’s that she has on!!!
College kids.  Gotta love them.

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November 15, 2011

I’ve stopped being remotely shocked by anything college students do. I have them show up to afternoon classes in pajamas, looking like they just rolled out of bed (which they likely did). I am very thankful for many things, one of which is my OD friends. Be well and take care.

November 15, 2011

I am thankful for many of the things you already mentioned: family, grandchildren, life, etc. I am currently visiting my Airman in Germany! It is beautiful over here and there is no crime! You can leave your house unlocked (we don’t though…lol). The people are friendly, too. I have another three weeks over here before I return to the US. I am stopping in MD on the way home to see family!

November 16, 2011

I had hot pink hair 6 months ago… also had , lime green, vibrent blue, purple, orange, red, and silver. its fun! lv ya!

November 18, 2011

I hope that you get your disability sorted out or medication. Too bad the medication could be adjusted so that you can work.