Job Loss

 Hi all,
Just wanted to let all of you know that I lost my job last night.  How?  Why?  Well…………….
You see, I struggle with stress.  When stress gets high, I go into panic mode.  I had a major panic attack on the training floor and ended up not being able to breath and fighting the fear.  Had to have oxygen and had to leave.  Major attack of the hives, and I’m still itchy tonight.

Spoke with the Dr. and he said:  "You cannot go back to work!  I want you to reapply for your disability."  So I’m reapplying and he wants me to go thru an attorney.  So I contacted the Wisconsin Disability Law offices and a female attorney contacted me tonight.  I gave her lots of information and I need to call her back in the morning.

I’m mad at myself for being so stupid thinking that I could go back to work, and I’m sad that I couldn’t do a job.  I feel horrible that I couldn’t even make it as a customer service rep.  How dumb am I?  

I don’t think it would have been so bad if one of the trainers would have come over and said:  "let me show you, instead of hovering over my shoulder saying:  "weren’t you listening?"  I was listening, but when you have one trainer saying one thing and the other trainer saying the opposite, who do you listen too?

Well,  I’m gonna let you all get off to bed and quit listening to me complain about my problems.  You all have so much more to deal with than I do and you don’t need to hear about my crappy life.

Take care,

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October 27, 2011

im sorry to hear about ur job loss. I dont know what u’re going through. But i do know wat it’s like to have no training or multiple managers telling you different things and expecting you to know what’s up. and it sucks. but it definitely doesn’t make you stupid.

October 27, 2011

I’m sorry to hear about the situation, but you really shouldn’t get so down on yourself. It can be a lot to deal with, and when you’re getting mixed messages, that only compounds the problem. Hopefully this time you will get approved for your disability.