Customer Service Rep 3

Hi All,
Thanks so much for the great encouragement for my new job.  I started on Monday of this week.  Wow!  What a change from nursing.  So much too learn in such a short amount of time.

I am training Monday thru Friday and then testing on Monday.  Tuesday next week I’ll be on my own on the phones.  The 4 that are training us keep telling us we are a very good group, with lots of great questions, and a grounp that is willing to learn and to master that system. 

Several people have answered phones before.  I am one that has never done this work before.  My thoughts so far are this:  if an 80 yr. old can do this job, then so can I.  Several college kids are having more problems on the system than I am having.  Why?  Because they don’t listen and they don’t take any notes.  One of the young guys said he didn’t have to take notes because he knew everything anyway.  I thought to myself:  "yeah, right.  We’ll see how far you get on the phone on friday."

I sort of like it.  But part of me doesn’t, because it’s not hands on like I’m used too.  Yet, I’m working with people.

Now if I can remember what each of the function keys do.  Each of the function keys have multiple things that they do.  This gets confusing.  I think I will get myself some post-it’s and then I will put the post-it’s with me when I’m on the system live.

Friday night we go onto the phones.  I’m very nervous about that.  Not so sure I am ready for that.  I think I will try and do a sample tonight.  They give us sample senarios without being on the phones.  They’ve sent us thru lots and lots of situations.  Like people wanting one thing and then deleting it and then adding it back on again.  We’ve had to struggle with the trainers being angry customers wanting discounts and free stuff.  They keep telling us to just give it to them.  Whatever they want, let them have it. 

The company that I’m working with has been in business 80yrs.  They’ve had a catalog since 1929.  And now they are up to 12 catalogs.  They sell everything from food to Nascar, household products, clothing, you name it, they probably sell it.

The company also has a double back guarentee on 3 food items.  If you don’t like it for any reason, no questions asked,  You get double the price back in merchandise.  How great is that?

The other thing they do, is they let the reps have finger food while on the system.  You also can have a water bottle or a bottle of soda with you at all times.  This kinda drives me crazy because I don’t think that it’s a good idea to be munching chips when you are talking on the phone line.

Something else they do is they pay weekly.  I’ve never been paid weekly.  They pay on Thursdays at 5pm.  I will be working every Thursday, so I will be there already and will get my check while I’m at work.

Well, I hope and pray that everyone is enjoying this season.  I’ve enjoyed the beautiful trees and the colors and smells of the season.  Today it’s very cold and feels like snow.  Eeewww the snow word.  Don’t like the idea of snow.  But that’s coming.  I know it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot.  I started my own business.  I now have a business card out and I call myself:

The Wedding Pianist.  I will play and sing for weddings all around the Tri-State area.

Take care my friends.  I need to get off the computer at the library and head home.

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October 26, 2011

oh nice to set yourself up for business. I’m sure you’ll do well on the phones. Nice that the company has been around for so long. Just be a yes person and don’t complain and they will love you.

October 26, 2011

I hope your business goes well, and I’m sure you will do well on the phones because you’re willing to work at it and make sure you get it right. That counts for a lot. I’ve been really enjoying fall, but I am not looking forward to winter.

October 26, 2011

Yay! You have been blessed with a job. It sounds great! You will do just fine. What is the name of the company? Sears? JCPenneys? Fuller Brush?

October 26, 2011

We got our first snowstorm today. It blew in overnight last night.