New Business

I know, I know.   It’s been a very long time since I posted.  

Lots of stuff has been happening.  Two birthdays so far at my daughters:  Stella turned one on Aug. 21 and Caleb turned 5 on Sept. 17th.  Yes, we had birthday parties, lots of cake and yummy food at my daughter’s house.  Isaac is the next one with a birthday.  He will be 12 on the 26th of Oct., then Mr. Noah will be 3 on the 10th of Nov., followed by his mom on the 13th, and I better not list her age or she’ll have a fit, and mine on the 12th of December.

Now that the birthday stuff is out of the way, other news that’s going on.

I have been practicing my fingers to the bone for a wedding that I’m playing for this Saturday.  The bride, I’ve known since she was a little kid.  I worked with her mom in nursing for several years.  The groom, I’ve known since he was in high school.  They both go to my church, so I am honored to have been asked to play for their wedding.  Lots of music for this wedding.  The wedding prelude is themed:  Movie theme songs.  The wedding music is:
Part of My Heart by Jim Brickman for seating of the parents and grandparents
A River Flows In You by Yurimi for the bridal party and the bride
Come Thou Fount a congregational hymn
Can’t Help Falling In Love with You by Elvis for the Unity Candle
Bon Jovi is the Recessional

Songs for the prelude are:
It Had to be You
Someone to Watch Over Me
Fire and Rain
That Cat is High
Star Wars Main Theme
Corner of the Sky
I’ve Had the Time of My Life
The Velocity of Love
When I Fall in Love
When You Say Nothing at All
Chapel of Love

That is not the order they are in.  I’m remembering them from the top of my head.

Beside all this, several people asked if I would edit a cookbook for the Bride & Groom as a wedding present.  So that’s what I’m actually doing on here.  I’m getting the rest of the recipes from those people who have either emailed them or facebooked them to me.  I have to put them all into a book tonight before tomorrow.  I have 4 hours of piano practice tomorrow before the wedding on Saturday.  Yup, I take 4 hrs a day to practice for special events like this.  Seems alot, but not to me.

Now, here’s a new one…………
The government denied my disablity again.  So I can’t continue to live on zero dollars.  So I applied at a local call center and they called me this afternoon and told me that they have chosen me as a new rep.  I have to start training on the 24th of Oct.  I get to choose my own hours and which days I want to work.  So I chose 1-9 for 3 days and 1-4 for Fridays.  I don’t have to work weekends of Wednesdays.  Yeah!!!!  Besides this:  I STARTED MY OWN BUSINESS.

For a very long time now my friends have been telling me to be the Wedding Pianist.  I kept telling them no.  But now that I’m not working full time in nursing, and now that I have weekends off, I decided that now would be a good time.  So last week, I had a business plan drawn up, contracts made and a business card designed.  I also desiged a magnetic sign for my car.

The Wedding Pianist
       North Oak
Platteville WI

cell #
email address

The picture on the front of the card is a Concert Grand Piano and on the back of the card is my Psa. 1002.  Serve the Lord with Gladness and come before His presence with singing.  Psalm 100:2.

Well this is what’s been going on for me.  After the wedding is over, I start Christmas music.  I will be playing again in a Piano trio.  3 pianos for Christmas.  It takes alot of practice to be able to syncronize the rhythms for 3 pianos to play together.  And I will be concentrating on the Christmas Cantata.  I am the pianist that gets the hard stuff.  But I love it!! Yes, I do.

Everyone take care.  The seasons are changing here in southern Wisconsin.  We now have lots of ripe apples and grapes.  Leaves are changing to reds, oranges, yellows and browns and the weather is much cooler.  I love Fall.


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September 22, 2011

Good luck with the new job and the business. I’m glad they are letting you pick your own hours; that’s a pretty good deal.