Labor Day Weekend, Blah…………..

 Ok, so here’s the scoop.  

My cousins and had emailed me last week and said:  "We’re having a get together at our house on Labor Day."  Talk to your daughter and see if you all can come down.  I know it’s a 2 hr. drive for you and you’re coming the farthest, but with the long weekend, it will be fun.  So I say:  COOL.  Called my daughter and made arrangements to be at their house tomorrow morning early enough to get ahead of the traffic.

All was well until I got home from church this morning.  There is a call on my answering machine from my daughter.  My cousin called her and told her that they had a change in plans because of their kids athletic schedule tomorrow.  So they moved the get together to this afternoon late.  Well, I didn’t get the call until 2pm.  By that time, my family is almost into Chicagoland and I’m still stuck in Southwest Wisconsin.

This happens all the time to me.  It’s like my family could care less about my feelings and whatever.  So yes, I’m in tears.  I came to my friend Chris’ to use his computer to relieve some of the stress that is built up in my heart.  This is the kind of stress that the doctor wants me to stay away from because it triggers bad thoughts and bad ideas.

For those of you who are wondering what happened with the state checkup:  Nothing.  I spent 4 hrs. in his office playing memory games.  I still have no income and I’m still waiting on an answer.  The only thing he told me was:  "you’ll never get any better than you are.  You will continue to get worse, especially with the double depression."  Yes, there is something called double depression.  I had to look it up. Had no idea what it was.

Have any of you seen the movie "The Help"?  If you haven’t, I recommend renting it or going to see it.  For those of you too young to remember slaves and stuff, yes, this really did take place especially in the south.  White families had black maids and they weren’t always treated the best.  Sad but true.  

The other movie that I saw that was really good was "Soul Surfer".  Both of these movies are based off of true stories.  Loved both of these movies.

Well, it sounds like the kids in the other room are done with their movie.  I didn’t want to watch it because it wasn’t something I cared to watch.  Now they are planning to watch something else.

Hope you all have a great day off tomorrow.  Stay safe.
Love you all.

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September 4, 2011

I’ve been wondering about you; I’m sorry that your Labor Day plans got screwed up. I haven’t seen the movie version of “The Help,” but I did read the book it’s based on. I liked the book a lot, so I’ll check out the movie when it’s released on video.

September 4, 2011

I am reading the book and I saw the movie when it opened in Colorado Springs last month. Great movie! I grew up in the South, but we did not have a maid. Being the only daughter with two brothers, I was the MAID. However, a good friend of mine had a maid. Sorry your weekend went sour. Sometimes people do not realize how much they hurt others when they do the things they do.

September 4, 2011

sorry family let you down, that’s too bad and a child’s athletic thing on Labor Day? I don’t buy it. They wanted out for some selfish stupid reason and used the kids as an excuse. I hope you get some funding soon! Hope the weekend turns around for you. You deserve good things!