I’m Here………

 Ok, so what is wrong with Open Diary that Macbook doesn’t want to load the page.  I had trouble on FB. too.  Maybe it’s the weather, who knows.

For those of you who want to know if I really sent the letter to the President, yes, I did.  I write to State people all the time and I’m part of One Million Moms and I send letters out all the time to companies that are doing not such a good thing with advertisements.  My last letter was to Finish Line about their ad on tv with the kid in his underwear.  I’m sorry, but let’s clean up the TV.  Our kids don’t need to be seeing this on TV.  So I sent a letter to them to clean up their act or I wouldn’t buy my shoes from them anymore.

People, if we don’t speak out for what we believe, then someday all of our rights will be taken away.  Stand up for what you believe in.  Take a stand.  Tell people what you think.  You might think you are the only voice, but believe me, sometimes one is all it takes.

Like here in my building.  I told the manager my fridge wasn’t working.  She sends up the maintanence guy up.  He looks at it and said it’s fine.  I took readings of the fridge and freezer and kept reporting that it wasn’t working.  Finally the guy came up and said:  "you’re right, it’s not cooling at all."  Well, I wasn’t telling him that so the building would have to spend money, I was telling him that because I wasn’t able to keep my food cold.  Yes, I got a brand new fridge last week.  It looks identicle to the one I bought 2 yrs. ago for my mobile home.  It’s nice, it’s big and holds lots more stuff than the old one.  See, speak the truth.  Stand for what is right.

Today I spent the day at my daughter’s house.  The boys are into Magic Tricks.  They have one where they can make a ball disappear and bring it back and then they have 3 cups and a magic ball.  They can make it disappear and bring it back too.  It’s fun to watch Caleb 4 yrs. old.  He told me he needed to read the directions so he could do more magic for me.  So he took the book to the dining room table, crawled up into his booster seat and read the book.  When he got done he looks at me and says:  "Manna, when I get these tricks feckted I will show them to you, k?  Sure.  He worked at the tricks all afternoon.  Then he came up to me and said:  "Manna, I have to quit and get ready for Bacation Bible School, K?"  Ok.  Then he hops down and runs around the house, eats an early supper because he’s the only kid going this year.  Isaac 11 says:  I’m too old to go, and Noah 2 and Stella 1 are too young, so only Caleb is going.

Noah took a long nap this afternoon.  Poor little boy.  He tries to keep up with Isaac and Caleb, but he just can’t.  He wants too, but he’s still too little.  So I played with him and loved on him for a long time.  Now, Stella is growing so fast.  She’ll be 1 on Aug. 21st.  She’s got the cutest smile and she’s trying to keep up to the boys.  She’ll be walking soon.  She’s quick the little stinker.  Noah left his sippy cup on the stand next to the chair and by golly Stella had it and was drinking the lemonade.  Man, how my daughter keeps up is beyond my wildest imagination.

Well, it’s almost 10pm.  I’m gonna watch a little tv, then head home to the  6th floor inferno.

Take care all.

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